The following passage appears in the "Professional Features," Book 2,
page 141:
dBASE and FoxPro database systems do not physically delete records, but
merely mark them for deletion at a later time. You must pack the .DBF
file (using your own utilities) to remove these records from the .DBF
files. The CompactDatabase function will not affect attached tables.
This article shows you how to ZAP and/or PACK a dBASE or FoxPro table in
Microsoft Visual Basic version 3.0 without needing separate utilities.
To be able to ZAP or PACK your .DBF files, you must have the following
entry in your VB.INI or <appname>.INI file:
[dBase ISAM]
This will filter out deleted records so they do not appear in recordsets.
To perform a ZAP, you simply need to run a DELETE action query. For
example, the following sample marks all the records in the AUTHORS.DBF
table as deleted:
Dim db As database
Set db = OpenDatabase("c:\dBaseIII", false, false, "dBase III")
'Open the database.
db.Execute "Delete From Authors" 'Execute the delete action query.
db.Close 'Close the database.
NOTE: For extremely large tables, it is more efficient to delete the
Tabledef representing the table from the TableDefs collection of the
database and then re-create the table structure. Please see articles
108147 for more information on this approach.
The following subroutine shows you how to perform a PACK. Essentially, you
copy all the records to a new temporary table, delete the old one, then
rename the temporary table as the original name.
Sample Code
Sub Pack_DBF (db As Database, tblname As String)
Const MB_YESNO = 4 ' Yes and No buttons
Const MB_ICONEXCLAMATION = 48 ' Warning message
Const IDYES = 6 ' Yes button pressed
Dim dbdir As String, tmp As String 'Temp variables
Dim i As Integer, ret As Integer 'Counter and return value of MsgBox
Dim flags As Integer 'Flags for MsgBox
ReDim idxs(0) As New index 'Holds indexes
On Error GoTo PackErr
ret = MsgBox("Remove All Deleted Records in " & tblname & "?", flags)
If ret = IDYES Then
dbdir = db.Name + "\" 'Hold database directory
'Delete the temp file if it exists.
If Dir$(dbdir & "p_a_c_k.*") <> "" Then
Kill dbdir & "p_a_c_k.*"
End If
'Store the indexes.
For i = 0 To db.TableDefs(tblname).Indexes.Count - 1
ReDim Preserve idxs(i + 1)
idxs(i).Name = db.TableDefs(tblname).Indexes(i).Name
idxs(i).Fields = db.TableDefs(tblname).Indexes(i).Fields
idxs(i).Primary = db.TableDefs(tblname).Indexes(i).Primary
idxs(i).Unique = db.TableDefs(tblname).Indexes(i).Unique
'Create the new table without the deleted records.
db.Execute "Select * into [p_a_c_k] from " & tblname
'Delete the current table.
db.TableDefs.Delete tblname
'Rename the DBF file and any memo files.
tmp = Dir$(dbdir & "p_a_c_k.*")
Do While tmp <> ""
'Rename with the correct file extension; this should be on one line.
Name dbdir & tmp As dbdir & tblname &
Right$(tmp, Len(tmp) - InStr(tmp, ".") + 1)
tmp = Dir$
'Refresh the tabledefs and add the indexes to the new table.
For i = 0 To UBound(idxs) - 1
db.TableDefs(tblname).Indexes.Append idxs(i)
MsgBox "'" & tblname & "' successfully Packed!", MB_ICONEXCLAMATION
End If
Exit Sub
MsgBox Error$
Exit Sub
End Sub
The following example code shows you how to call the above subroutine.
First, you open the database the table is in, then you pass the database
object and the name of the table to PACK to the subroutine. Be sure that
there are not any open recordsets on the table you are trying to pack or
you will get an error.
Dim db As Database
Set db = OpenDatabase("c:\samples\foxtbl", False, False, "foxpro 2.5")
Call Pack_DBF(db, "foxtbl")
NOTE: The above methods do not preserve formatting of numeric fields for
our dBASE and FoxPro tables. To work around this limitation you should keep
a template DBF file created from dBASE or FoxPro that contains the
formatting you need, and use an INSERT INTO statement instead of the SELECT
INTO statement shown above.