The sections below list the ADMIN.EXE program commands you can use to
manage these passwords. For information about how to start the Mail
Administrator program, please see the Microsoft Mail for PC Networks
"Administrator's Guide."
Postoffice Password Commands
The following command
Config, Password, Sign-on password to this postoffice:
sets the postoffice password to provide security for dial-in access via
modem (for example, Microsoft Mail Remote for Windows users, or when you
use the External Mail program with a postoffice connected via modem.)
For additional information about setting passwords using the Mail Remote
client, please see the following article in the Microsoft Knowledge Base:
97894 PC WRmt: Remote Mail Password Dialogs
When you add an external postoffice and configure it as a direct route type
via modem, use the following command to specify the password for the
external postoffice it will dial to:
External-Admin, Setup, Enter network name:, Password
You do not need a password for indirect route postoffices or direct route
postoffices via an MS-DOS drive.
Mailbox Password Commands
The following command
Local-Admin, Options, Password, Password:
is the default password for new users. If you would like the default
password for the postoffice to be something other than "password," you can
change it here.
When you create a new mailbox, the "Password:" field contains the default
password. You can change the password with the following command
Local-Admin, Create, Mailbox name:, Password:
or let the user change it using Microsoft Mail for Windows.
If a user forgets his or her password, you can reset it to the default
using the command:
Local-Admin, Recover, <mailbox name>, Yes
To change the password for a mailbox that already exists, you must use
appropriate client software:
Client Command
MS-DOS Options, Password
Windows Mail, Change Password
Macintosh File, Change Password
Presentation Manager Mail, Change Password
In each product, you will be asked to enter the old password, then
enter the new password twice for verification.
For more information about this topic, please see the Microsoft Mail
"Administrator's Guide":
Version 3.0
Default passwords, page 95.
External Admin Setup command, page 113.
Lost passwords, page 99.
Postoffice password, page 134.
Version 3.2
Default passwords, page 101.
External Admin Setup command, page 119.
Lost passwords, page 104.
Postoffice password, page 74.