115877 ACC2: RunningSum Text Box in Report Not Accumulating Values
When a text box in a report that uses the RunningSum property is based
on another control in the report, it does not accumulate the running
sum. Instead, it reflects only the value of the control it references.
115124 ACC2: Mailing Label Wizard Creates One-Page Report
A mailing label report created with the Mailing Label Wizard contains
only one page, no matter how many records are in the underlying table or
query. This problem occurs if your default printer is a laser printer,
and you are using any of the following Avery mailing labels:
4145, 4162, 4163, 4249, 4250, 4251, 4253, 4254, or 5615
116144 ACC2: Find Does Not Locate Existing Item in dBASE Database
When you search for a string in an attached dBASE database, the string
is not found, even though the string does exist in the dBASE database.
117169 ACC2: Installing MS Access with NT Creates New Program Group
When you install Microsoft Access version 2.0 on a computer running
Microsoft Windows NT version 3.1, and you choose to install the
Microsoft Access icons in an existing common group such as
Applications (Common), Microsoft Access Setup creates a new group
called Applications (Common)(Common) and places the Microsoft Access
icons in this group, instead of in the group you chose.
112752 ACC2: Report Section with Subreport Not Included In Output File
When you use the Output To command to output a report to a file, any
section of a report that includes a subreport is not included in the
output file.
117168 ACC2: Ownership of 1.x Objects Can Be Changed with 2.0 DAO
You can use data access objects (DAO) in Microsoft Access version 2.0
to change the ownership of database objects (such as tables, forms,
and reports) in unprotected Microsoft Access version 1.x databases,
even though you cannot view or change the ownership of these objects
using Microsoft Access version 1.x.
109313 ACC2: Changing Show Ruler Option Changes Existing Forms
Changing the Show Ruler option in the Form & Report Design section of
the Options dialog box overrides this setting in existing forms and
114514 ACC2: Changes to Print Setup Not Saved with Form or Report
After you change your form or report to print in a different paper
orientation (such as landscape), it does not print in the orientation
you chose. When you check the Print Setup dialog box, you find that
none of the changes you made were saved.
113929 ACC2: Code Called from OnFormat Creates Endless Formatting
A report that calls code from its OnFormat property may not ever
finish formatting, becoming stuck in an internal page formatting loop.
This problem may be more common in databases that have been converted
from Microsoft Access version 1.x to version 2.0.
116061 ACC2: Extra White Space Between Last Section and Report
Extra white space is printed on your report after the last detail
record or section of the report, before the report footer section. The
extra white space is as tall as the last section printed before the
report footer. Note that this problem will not occur on reports that
do not have a report footer section.
117609 ACC2: Paradox Password Protection Bypassed by Multiple Users
When you attach a password-protected Paradox table nonexclusively to a
Microsoft Access version 2.0 database, the table behaves normally,
allowing you to view the table's contents after you supply the correct
password. However, once the password has been supplied by a user, any
other user can then open the attached table and view its contents
without supplying a password.
117614 ACC2: Error Adding Zero-Length String to SQL NOT NULL Column
When you attach a SQL Server table that was created with a NOT NULL
restriction on a column, then try to enter a zero-length string in the
table, you receive the error message:
[Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver][SQL Server] The column <column
name> in table <table name> may not be null. (#233)
117616 ACC2: Error Deleting Value from Attached SQL Server Table
When you attach an SQL Server table that has a column with a NOT NULL
restriction to Microsoft Access, add a value to the restricted column
in the attached table, then delete the value and attempt to commit the
record, you receive the error message:
[Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver][SQL Server] The column <column
name> in table <table name> may not be null. (#233)
117610 ACC2: GPF Closing Data Outline Control Properties Box
When you add a data outline control to a form or report, then edit the
control's properties, the Properties dialog box is normally modal,
meaning that you cannot select anything outside the dialog box.
If, however, you click the property sheet for the form or report
containing the data outline control, the property sheet gets the
focus, and the modality of the data outline control's Properties
dialog box is lost. You can then select anything in the database.
When the modality of the control's Properties dialog box is broken as
outlined above, your mouse pointer may disappear, and you may receive
a general protection (GP) fault.
117612 ACC2: TransferDatabase Fails in Code, Not in Immediate Window
When you use the TransferDatabase action within a transaction in an
Access Basic function, you receive the error message:
Couldn't update, locked by another user on this system.
However, if you set a breakpoint in the function and single-step
through it, you do not receive the error message.
117615 ACC2: GPF Using List Box Fill Function with Requery Method
When you fill a list box using an Access Basic function, and the
function returns a static variable upon receiving the close code (8),
and you then use the Requery method to requery the list box, you
receive a general protection (GP) fault.
114549 ACC2: Empty Recordset Report Hangs with Group KeepTogether
Microsoft Access stops while you are previewing a report, and may mark
the database as corrupted. Running Repair Database on the database will
eliminate the error message that says that the database is corrupted.
117611 ACC2: GPF Using GetChunk Method as Argument for Put Statement
When you use the GetChunk method in the third parameter of a Put
statement, you get a general protection (GP) fault.