List of Knowledge Base keywords that you can use to search for languages articles (117552)
The information in this article applies to:
- Microsoft Visual C++ 1.0
- Microsoft Visual C++ 1.5
- Microsoft Visual C++ 1.51
- Microsoft Visual C++ 1.52
- Microsoft Visual C++ 2.0
- Microsoft Visual C++ 2.1
- Microsoft Visual C++ 4.0
- Microsoft Visual C++ 4.1
- Microsoft Visual C++, 32-bit Enterprise Edition 4.2
- Microsoft Visual C++, 32-bit Enterprise Edition 5.0
- Microsoft Visual C++, 32-bit Enterprise Edition 6.0
- Microsoft Visual C++, 32-bit Professional Edition 4.2
- Microsoft Visual C++, 32-bit Professional Edition 5.0
- Microsoft Visual C++, 32-bit Professional Edition 6.0
- Microsoft Visual C++, 32-bit Learning Edition 6.0
- Microsoft FORTRAN PowerStation for MS-DOS
- Microsoft Macro Assembler (MASM) 6.11
- Microsoft Visual C++ .NET (2003)
- Microsoft Visual C++ .NET (2002)
- Microsoft Visual C++ 2005 Express Edition
This article was previously published under Q117552 SUMMARY The Microsoft Knowledge Base is categorized by keywords.
This article lists the keywords specific to articles in the languages
collection, and those include the programming language products listed at the
beginning of this article. MORE INFORMATIONMajor Languages and Minor Knowledge Base Keywords Each Knowledge Base article in the languages collection may
contain one or more product-specific keyword (called KBKeyword) that places the
article in the appropriate category. Some of the Knowledge Base keywords are
composed of the resulting concatenation of a major topic keyword and a minor
topic keyword. For example, you can find all of the Microsoft Foundation
Classes (MFC) Open Database Connectivity (ODBC) issue articles when you use
MfcDatabase as the keyword in your search. In some cases, you can use the
asterisk (*) wildcard search function to find articles that fall into the
general subcategory. In addition, to find all of the articles that apply to MFC
issues, query on Mfc*. An article usually has only one Knowledge Base keyword but it
can have more. The following table lists the topics in the Knowledge
Base and their corresponding Knowledge Base keywords. The minor topics are in
the indented list under each major topic.
Major Topic
Minor Topic KBKeyword
General Topics:
Install custom program on a user's computer kbAppSetup
Active Template Library (ATL) kbATL
Sample code not compilable by itself. kbCodeSnippet
Application deployment issues kbDeployment
Article written by groups in Developer Support kbDSupport
ATL Consumer and Provider issues kbDTL
Relating to SQL Server English Query kbEngQuery
Java Database Connectivity kbJDBC
General Information not related to programming kbGenInfo
Microsoft Foundation Classes for Visual C++ kbMFC
Relating to MS Query kbMSQuery
OLE Database Interface kbOLEDB
Remote Data Objects kbRDO
Remote Data Service (RDS) kbRDS
Miscellaneous tools kbMiscTools
Template issues kbtemplate
T-SQL debugger add-in kbTSQL
Using wizards kbwizard
Microsoft product installation issues kbsetup
ActiveX Data Object kbADO
Data Access Objects kbDAO
DevStudio Version Keywords:
Complete Visual Studio package kbVS
Complete Visual Studio 97 package kbVS97
Complete Visual Studio version 6.00 package kbVS600
Visual Studio version 6.00 bug kbVS600bug
Visual Studio version 6.00 fix kbVS600fix
Visual Studio version 6.00 Service Pack 1 kbVS600SP1
Visual Studio version 6.00 Service Pack 1 fix kbVS600SP1fix
Visual Studio version 6.00 Service Pack 2 kbVS600SP2
Visual Studio version 6.00 Service Pack 2 fix kbVS600SP2fix
Visual Studio version 6.00 Service Pack 3 kbVS600SP3
Visual Studio version 6.00 Service Pack 3 fix kbVS600SP3fix
Visual Studio version 6.00 Service Pack 4 kbVS600SP4
Visual Studio version 6.00 Service Pack 4 fix kbVS600SP4fix
Visual Studio version 6.00 Service Pack 5 kbVS600SP5
Visual Studio version 6.00 Service Pack 5 fix kbVS600SP5fix
Visual Studio version 6.00 Service Pack 6 kbVS600SP6
Visual Studio version 6.00 Service Pack 6 fix kbVS600SP6fix
Complete Visual Studio 97 package kbVS97
Visual Studio 97 package bug kbVS97bug
Visual Studio 97 fix kbVS97fix
Visual Studio 97 Service Pack 1 kbVS97sp1
Visual Studio 97 Service Pack 1 bug kbVS97sp1bug
Visual Studio 97 Service Pack 1 fix kbVS97sp1fix
Visual Studio 97 Service Pack 2 kbVS97sp2
Visual Studio 97 Service Pack 2 bug kbVS97sp2bug
Visual Studio 97 Service Pack 2 fix kbVS97sp2fix
Visual Studio 97 Service Pack 3 kbVS97sp3
Visual Studio 97 Service Pack 3 bug kbVS97sp3bug
Visual Studio 97 Service Pack 3 fix kbVS97sp3fix
Visual Studio .NEt 2003 Service Pack 1 kbVSNET2003sp1fix
C Compiler Specific:
C language only, Not C++ related kbConly
C++ Compiler Specific:
C++ Language only kbCPPonly
General Compiler Keywords:
Assembly codegen in Compiler/Virtual Machine kbCodeGen
Compiler kbCompiler
C run-time libraries kbCRT
Online documents interface kbDocs
C Language syntax, compiler parsing kbLangC
CPP language syntax, compiler parsing kbLangCPP
Linker (grouping) kbLinker
Nmake build tool kbNMake
Specifically for Windows NT OS kbNTOS
Resource Editors kbResourceEd
Integrated Debugging:
Debugging code; not troubleshooting kbDebug
Integrated Development Environment (IDE) kbide
Drivers and IISAMs:
Third-party components or drivers kb3rdparty
ActiveX Data Objects kbADO250
All database issues kbDatabase
dBASE technology or format kbDBase
Distribution or creation of database drivers kbDriver
Excel kbExcel
Installable ISAM issues kbIISAM
JET database issues kbJET
Microsoft Data Access Component kbMDAC250
ODBC programming, drivers, or databases kbODBC
ODBC programming, drivers, or databases kbODBC200bug
ODBC programming, drivers, or databases kbODBC200fix
ODBC programming, drivers, or databases kbODBC210
ODBC programming, drivers, or databases kbODBC210bug
ODBC programming, drivers, or databases kbODBC210fix
ODBC programming, drivers, or databases kbODBC250
ODBC programming, drivers, or databases kbODBC250bug
ODBC programming, drivers, or databases kbODBC250fix
ODBC programming, drivers, or databases kbODBC300
ODBC programming, drivers, or databases kbODBC300bug
ODBC programming, drivers, or databases kbODBC300fix
ODBC programming, drivers, or databases kbODBC350
ODBC programming, drivers, or databases kbODBC350bug
ODBC programming, drivers, or databases kbODBC350fix
ODBC programming, drivers, or databases kbODBC351
ODBC programming, drivers, or databases kbODBC351bug
ODBC programming, drivers, or databases kbODBC351fix
ODBC programming, drivers, or databases kbODBC351qfe
ODBC programming, drivers, or databases kbODBC360
ODBC programming, drivers, or databases kbODBC360bug
ODBC programming, drivers, or databases kbODBC360fix
Oracle products and technologies kbOracle
Microsoft SQL Server kbSQLServ
Visual FoxPro kbVFp
Exchange kbXchge
Ver. 1.0 Microsoft Data Engine kbMSDE100
Ver 1.0 bug Microsoft Data Engine kbMSDE100bug
Ver 1.0 fix Microsoft Data Engine kbMSDE100fix
OLE DB Providers:
OLE/DB consumer kbConsumer
Microsoft Index Server kbIdxServ
OLE DB Simple provider kbOSP
OLE DB providers kbProvider
Data Access Objects kbDAO
Data Access Object SDK kbSDKDAO
Ver. 3.5 Data Access Object SDK kbSDKDAO350
Ver. 3.5 bug Data Access Object SDK kbSDKDAO350bug
Ver. 3.5 fix Data Access Object SDK kbSDKDAO350fix
Data Access SDK kbSDKDataAc
Ver. 2.0 bug Data Access SDK kbSDKDataAc200bug
Ver. 2.0 fix Data Access SDK kbSDKDataAc200fix
Visual Database Tools:
Database Tools kbVisDBTools
Ver. 2.0 Database Tools kbVisDBTools200
Ver. 2.0 bug Database Tools kbVisDBTools200bug
Ver. 2.0 fix Database Tools kbVisDBTools200fix
Mastering COM/COM Plus kbMastCOM
Mastering MFC kbMastMFC
Mastering Microsoft Visual C++ kbMastVC
Mastering Microsoft Visual Studio kbMastVS
Microsoft Installer:
Microsoft Windows Installer kbMSI
Ver. 1.0 Microsoft Windows Installer kbMSI100
Ver. 1.0 bug Microsoft Windows Installer kbMSI100bug
Ver. 1.0 fix Microsoft Windows Installer kbMSI100fix
Ver. 1.1 Microsoft Windows Installer kbMSI110
Ver. 1.1 bug Microsoft Windows Installer kbMSI110bug
Ver. 1.1 fix Microsoft Windows Installer kbMSI110fix
Microsoft Windows Installer FAQ kbMSIFAQ
Migration DLL's:
Migration DLL kbMigrationDLL
Migration DLL FAQ kbMigrationDLLFAQ
Migrating from Windows 9x to Windows 2000 kbMigWin9xtoWin2k
Online documents interface kbDocs
HTML Help system kbHTMLHelp
Specific to or interaction with MSDN kbMSDN
Platform SDK Tools:
Integrated Development Environment (IDE) kbide
Performance Improvement Analysis tools kbPerformanceTool
Products that ship with the Platform SDK kbSDKPlatform
Windows File Protection kbWFP
Visual C++ Tools:
Application Programming Interface kbAPI
Automation tasks, programming, or functions kbAutomation
Visual C++ ClassViewer kbClassView
Class Wizard kbClassWizard
Component Gallery kbCompGallery
Custom Wizard kbCustomWizard
Debugging code; not troubleshooting kbDebug
Developer Studio Development Environment kbDevStudio
Editing environment issues kbEditor
Resource Editors kbResourceEd
General scripting kbScript
Visual Studio Tools:
Programming or using InfoViewer kbInfoViewer
Visual C++ Object Model kbVCObj
Visual Analyzer kbVisAnalyzer
Visual Studio Installer kbVSI
WinDebug Environment:
(WinDBG.EXE) Windows Kernel Debugger kbWinDBG
WinHelp API:
Old WinHelp Compiler (NOT HTMLHelp) kbWinHelp
Platform, OS, or Edition Keywords:
Specific to DEC Alpha kbDecAlpha
Enterprise edition of a product kbEEdition
Intel x86 Emulation kbEmulatex86
Learning edition of a product kbLEdition
MIPS Chip Platform kbMIPS
Professional edition of a product kbPEdition
PowerPC Processor kbPowerPC
Standard edition of a product kbSEdition
Hitachi SuperH processors kbSuperH
Windows Millennium Edition operating system kbWinOSMe
Windows 2000 operating system kbWinOS2000
Windows 95 operating system kbWinOS95
Windows 98 operating system kbWinOS98
Windows CE OS kbWinCE
Intel x86 platform kbx86
Product Version Keywords:
Visual C++ product kbVC
Ver. 6.0 Visual C++ product kbVC600
Ver. 6.0 bug Visual C++ product kbVC600bug
Ver. 6.0 fix Visual C++ product kbVC600fix
Ver. 6.0 QFE Visual C++ product kbVC600QFE
Visual C++ 2005 kbvcpp2005RTM
Standard Template Library:
Standard Template Libraries kbSTL
Template issues kbtemplate
WinCE Embedded Toolkit:
OEM Adaptation Kit for Windows CE kbOAK
ATL Version Keywords:
Ver. 1.1 Active Template Library kbATL110
Ver. 1.1 bug Active Template Library kbATL110bug
Ver. 1.1 fix Active Template Library kbATL110fix
Ver. 2.0 Active Template Library kbATL200
Ver. 2.0 bug Active Template Library kbATL200bug
Ver. 2.0 fix Active Template Library kbATL200fix
Ver. 2.1 Active Template Library kbATL210
Ver. 2.1 bug Active Template Library kbATL210bug
Ver. 2.1 fix Active Template Library kbATL210fix
Ver. 3.0 Active Template Library kbATL300
Ver. 3.0 bug Active Template Library kbATL300bug
Ver. 3.0 fix Active Template Library kbATL300fix
COM Related Technologies:
Active Documents kbActiveDocs
ActiveX technology or derived kbActiveX
COM Event issues kbActivexEvents
Active Server Pages (ASP) kbASP
Class Wizard kbClassWizard
Component Object Model (COM) kbCOMt
COM Connection Points kbConnPts
OLE Container kbContainer
Programming or use of OCX kbCtrl
Distributed COM kbDCOM
Issues related to the IDL files kbIDL
OLE Inproc Server kbInprocSvr
Licensing issues in programming kbLicensing
COM Local Servers kbLocalSvr
MIDL compiler kbMIDL
ODL files kbODL
Application Linking and Embedding kbole
OLE persistent storage kbPersistSt
ATL Specific Technology Keywords:
Active Template Library (ATL) kbATL
ATL Windowing Classes kbATLWC
MFC Specific Technologies:
Context-sensitive help programming kbCSHelp
Document view architecture kbDocView
Multiple Document Interface kbMDI
Microsoft Foundation Classes (MFC) for VC++ kbMFC
MFC classes derived from CControlBar kbMFCCtrlBar
Programming toolbars kbToolbar
User interface design kbUIDesign
Other technologies:
Data Access Objects kbDAO
All database issues kbDatabase
IDataObject kbDataObject
Internet Service API (ISAPI) kbISAPI
Macintosh computers or OS kbMAC
Microsoft Management Console kbMMC
Microsoft Transaction Server kbMTS
ODBC programming, drivers, or databases kbODBC
OLE Database Interface kbOLEDB
VBX controls kbVBX
MFC and ATL:
Architecture at lower level of technology kbArchitecture
Windows ClipBoard kbClipboard
Windows common controls kbCmnCtrls
Common dialog boxes kbCmnDlg
Array, list, or enum class of technology kbCollectionClass
Component Gallery kbCompGallery
Control creation; not usage kbCtrlCreate
Custom Wizard kbCustomWizard
Date and time issues kbDateTime
Debugging code; not troubleshooting kbDebug
Creation/use of dialog boxes kbDlg
Programming issues in Dynamic Link Libraries kbDLL
Programming DropDown interfaces kbDragDrop
Exception Handling in C++ only kbExceptHandCPP
Exception Handling in MFC only kbExceptHandMFC
Structured Exception Handling in Win32 kbExceptHandSEH
File input/output kbFileIO
WinSDK graphics kbGDI
Keyboard accelerators kbKeyAccel
Localize for specific international market kbLocalization
Menu resources or manipulating Windows UI kbMenu
Printing kbPrinting
Windows registry issues kbRegistry
All security issues kbSecurity
Programming of Windows NT system Services kbService
Smart Pointers and Helpers kbSmartPtr
Relating to strings or string resources kbString
Template issues kbtemplate
Multithreading kbThread
Windows CE OS kbWinCE
Communication sockets kbWinsock
Product-Specific Keywords You can use Knowledge Base keywords to organize articles that
apply to programming languages or to search for a specific group of language
articles. Knowledge Base-Wide Keywords Each article in the languages collection also contains at least
one generic, Knowledge Base-wide keyword. The Knowledge Base-wide keywords are
standard throughout the Microsoft Knowledge Base, appearing in all Knowledge
Base articles, regardless of product. You can use the Knowledge Base-wide
keywords to organize all Knowledge Base articles or to search for articles
across several Microsoft products.
REFERENCES For a list of KBKeywords about other Microsoft developer
products, use these keywords to query the Microsoft Knowledge Base: For additional information on using
Microsoft Knowledgebase keywords, click the article number below to view the
article in the Microsoft Knowledge Base: 242971 HOWTO: Use the Developer Support Microsoft Knowledge Base
Modification Type: | Major | Last Reviewed: | 12/9/2005 |
Keywords: | kbhowto kbArtTypeINF kbinfo KB117552 kbAudDeveloper |