If you have Word version 6.0 or 6.0a for Windows installed and you attempt
to install Works version 3.0x for Windows, including the multimedia
edition, you may receive the following message:
Setup has detected an existing Spell Checker engine which is newer
and incompatible with the version Setup wanted to install. Please
contact a Microsoft Subsidiary to obtain newer copies of the
following dictionaries: US English Dictionary.
Note: The dictionary specified may vary. For example, the UK English
Dictionary may be listed.
Cause 1: Mixed Spelling Entries in WIN.INI
This problem can be caused by mixed entries in the [MS Proofing Tools]
section of the Windows WIN.INI file. One entry refers to the SoftArt
dictionary and the other refers to the Houghton Mifflin (HM) dictionary.
Both entries should refer to the HM dictionary as shown below:
[MS Proofing Tools]
NOTE: Each Spelling entry should be on its own line (not two). The lines
are wrapped here for readability.
Correcting these two lines in the WIN.INI file should allow Works
Setup to continue without the error mentioned above.
Cause 2: No Spelling Entries in WIN.INI
This error message can also occur if there are no spelling entries in the
WIN.INI but the Word 6.0a MSSPEL2.DLL file is located in the
The MSSPEL2.DLL file that is incompatible with the Works setup has a file
size of 142,512 bytes and was shipped with Word 6.0a. If this file exists,
rename the file to MSSPEL2.OLD and run the Works setup again. Works should
install its own version of the MSSPEL2.DLL with a file size of 142,288
bytes which is compatible with all revisions of Word 6.0.
The MSSPEL2.DLL files that shipped with Word 6.0 and 6.0c have file sizes
of 142,288 bytes and 142,560 bytes respectively and should not generate the
error message.