VB3 How to Fill a List Box from a Snapshot Generically (115712)

The information in this article applies to:

  • Microsoft Visual Basic Professional Edition for Windows 3.0

This article was previously published under Q115712


This article shows by example how to fill a list box with a snapshot when the contents of the snapshot are unknown at design time. The example uses TAB characters to create a columnar display, and it adds a horizontal scroll bar so the user can view the entire record.


When handling result sets from database queries that produce variable result sets, you may find it useful to have a generic function display the contents in a list box.

The following example defines a Sub (Fill_List) that accepts a list-box control and snapshot as parameters and fills the list box with the contents of the snapshot. The function can be easily modified to accept a table or dynaset object as well.

For additional information, please see the following article in the Microsoft Knowledge Base:

71067 How to Set Tab Stops in a List Box in Visual Basic

Step-by-Step Instructions for Creating the Program

  1. Start a new project in Visual Basic. Form1 is created by default.
  2. Add a command button (Command1) and a list box (List1) to the form. Set the caption property of Command1 to "Fill list".
  3. Add the following code to the form's general declarations section:
       Option Explicit
       Declare Function SendMessage Lib "User" (ByVal hWnd As Integer, ByVal
        Integer, ByVal wParam As Integer, lparam As Any) As Long
       Const WM_USER = &H400
       Const LB_SETTABSTOPS = WM_USER + 19
       Sub Fill_List (lb As ListBox, sn As Snapshot)
         Const NUMCHARS = 2  ' Amount of white space between columns.
         ' Temporary variables to preserve form font settings:
         Dim hold_fontname As String, hold_fontsize As Integer
         Dim hold_fontbold As Integer, hold_fontitalic As Integer
         Dim hold_fontstrikethru As Integer, hold_fontunderline  As Integer
         Dim whiteSpace As Integer, accumtabstops As Integer, dialogUnits As
         Dim fieldVal As String, listline As String
         Dim avgWidth As Single
         Dim retval As Long, i As Integer
         Dim biggest_value() As Single
         Dim tabstops() As Integer
         ' Save form's font settings so we can use the form to calculate the
         ' TextWidth / Height of the strings to go into the list box.
         hold_fontname = Me.FontName
         hold_fontsize = Me.FontSize
         hold_fontbold = Me.FontBold
         hold_fontitalic = Me.FontItalic
         hold_fontstrikethru = Me.FontStrikethru
         hold_fontunderline = Me.FontUnderline
         ' Set form font settings to be identical to list box.
         Me.FontName = lb.FontName
         Me.FontSize = lb.FontSize
         Me.FontBold = lb.FontBold
         Me.FontItalic = lb.FontItalic
         Me.FontStrikethru = lb.FontStrikethru
         Me.FontUnderline = lb.FontUnderline
         ' Get the average character width of the current list box font
         ' (in pixels) using the form's TextWidth width method.
         avgWidth =
         avgWidth = avgWidth / Screen.TwipsPerPixelX / 52
         ' Set the white space you want between columns.
         whiteSpace = avgWidth * NUMCHARS
         ReDim biggest_value(0 To sn.Fields.Count - 1)
         ReDim tabstops(1 To sn.Fields.Count)
         ' Loop through the field values for each record in the snapshot.
         ' Calculate the width required for that field value to fit in the list
         ' box. Also, build each line of the list box and add it to the list as
         ' you go.
         While Not sn.EOF
           For i = 0 To sn.Fields.Count - 1
             fieldVal = sn(i) & ""       ' Append "" in case of a null field.
             ' The LB_SETTABSTOP message requires coordinates in dialog units
             ' (roughly 4 *, the average character width in pixels).
             dialogUnits = ((Me.TextWidth(fieldVal) / Screen.TwipsPerPixelX +
       whiteSpace) \ avgWidth) * 4
             If dialogUnits > biggest_value(i) Then
               biggest_value(i) = dialogUnits
             End If
             listline = listline & sn(i) & Chr$(9)
           Next i
           lb.AddItem listline
           listline = ""
         ' Fill the tabstops() array with the position of each tab stop.
         For i = 0 To sn.Fields.Count - 1
           accumtabstops = accumtabstops + biggest_value(i)
           tabstops(i + 1) = accumtabstops
         Next i
         ' Send LB_SETTABSTOP to the list box to set the position of each
         retval& = SendMessage(lb.hWnd, LB_SETTABSTOPS, i, tabstops(1))
         ' Set the horizontal extent just wider than the first tab stop.
         ' This will produce a horizontal scroll bar on the list box.
         ' This message requires coordinates in pixels, so we convert the tab
         ' stop coordinate back from dialog units to pixels.
         retval& = SendMessage(lb.hWnd, LB_SETHORIZONTALEXTENT, (tabstops(i) \ 
       avgWidth, 0&)
         ' Restore form's original font property settings.
         Me.FontName = hold_fontname
         Me.FontSize = hold_fontsize
         Me.FontBold = hold_fontbold
         Me.FontItalic = hold_fontitalic
         Me.FontStrikethru = hold_fontstrikethru
         Me.FontUnderline = hold_fontunderline
       End Sub
  4. Add the following code to the Command1_Click event:
       Sub Command1_Click ()
         Dim db As database
         Dim sn As Snapshot
         Set db = OpenDatabase("BIBLIO.MDB")
         Set sn = db.CreateSnapshot("select * from [title author publisher]")
         Fill_List list1, sn
         Set sn = Nothing
       End Sub
  5. Run the program by pressing the F5 key. Now, the list box contains neat columns displaying the contents of the [Title Author Publisher] query. The scroll bar enables you to see the entire line. Alter the NUMCHARS constant to allow more white space between columns if you want.

Modification Type:MinorLast Reviewed:1/9/2003