Works for Windows allows the use of spelling dictionaries other
than the two provided with Works if the additional dictionaries are
correctly installed. Refer to the references at the end of this article
for more information about changing installed spelling dictionaries.
To correctly install an additional spelling dictionary for Works,
the setup program for the dictionary must register itself in the
[MS Proofing Tools] section of the WIN.INI file. For example:
[MS Proofing Tools]
Spelling 1033,0=<path>\msspel2.dll,<path>\mssp2_en.lex
Spelling 2057,0=<path>\msspel2.dll,<path>\mssp2_en.lex
Everything to the left of the equal sign (=) on the lines starting with
"Spelling" is the name of a spelling dictionary (for example, Spelling
To add the dictionary to Works, add the appropriate reference to the
dictionary in the [Spell Dictionaries] section of the MSWORKS3.INI file in
the Windows directory. For example:
[Spell Dictionaries]
Dict1=American English:Spelling 1033,0
Dict2=British English:Spelling 2057,0
The general formula to follow is
where <#> is an integer one greater than any other Dict entry found in
this section, <Description> is the dictionary name Works will use, and
<Name> is the spelling dictionary name from the WIN.INI file.