Windows applications that use the C language can use the following set of
functions to get the actual version information.
For a complete sample application that does this, please see the sample in
the ..\SAMPLES\VERSTAMP directory from Microsoft Visual C++.
Below is a Visual Basic program that uses the
GetFileVersionInfo() functionto get the actual version information.
Declare Function GetFileVersionInfo% Lib "ver.dll"
(ByVal lpszFileName$, ByVal handle As Any, ByVal
cbBuf&, ByVal lpvData$)
Dim pos As Integer
Dim version As String * 255
Dim ans As String
' get the version info and fill the version string
ret% = GetFileVersionInfo("user.exe", 0&, 254, version)
' find the position in the string where the FileVersion stamp is.
pos = InStr(1, version, "FileVersion")
' 12 = lengh of "FileVersion" +1 for the null
' 4 = length of string to return i.e. "3.11"
ans = Mid$(version, pos + 12, 4)
' display answer
MsgBox ans