The following article contains information about the use of Windows and
Windows for Workgroups with third-party products or configurations that
have not been tested and are not supported by Microsoft.
If the steps or procedures described in this article do not function
properly, contact the manufacturer of the third-party product for
more information or use a supported configuration.
These errors occur when you use a hard disk with more than 1024 cylinders.
IDE hard disks must have CMOS settings with the following upper limits to
use 32-bit disk access:
Cylinders: 1024
Heads: 16
Sectors/Track: 63
Bytes/Sector: 512
You can use the Microsoft Diagnostics (MSD) utility to view these settings,
or you can examine the CMOS settings for your computer to confirm the
values for these settings. Please see your hardware documentation for
instructions about accessing your computer's CMOS settings.
If your hard disk is incompatible with 32-bit disk access, you can disable
this feature by following these steps:
- In Control Panel, double-click the 386 Enhanced icon.
- Choose the Virtual Memory button, then choose Change.
- Clear the Use 32-Bit Disk Access check box.
NOTE: You can also disable 32-bit disk access by starting Windows with the
/D:F switch, or by setting 32BitDiskAccess to OFF in the [386Enh] section
of the SYSTEM.INI file.
The following list of workarounds is grouped by manufacturer. If your hard
disk does not appear in this list, please contact your hard disk
manufacturer for more information.
The 7546AT Conner drive is a 540 megabyte (MB) drive with 1048 cylinders,
16 heads, and 63 sectors per track. Reducing the number of cylinders in the
CMOS settings to 1024, then repartitioning and reformatting the disk may
allow 32-bit disk access and 32-bit file access to work.
WARNING: Be sure to back up your data before you repartition or reformat
your hard disk. Repartitioning or reformatting the disk will remove all
information from the disk.
If you have an IBM ValuePoint computer that supports IDE hard disks with
more than 1024 cylinders, you should download two files from the IBM BBS.
The files are VPWINBHF.DSK and LDF.COM. For information about how to enable
32-bit disk access using these files, please contact IBM.
To use 32-bit disk access with the Maxtor 7540AV hard disk, you may need to
reduce the cylinder count from 1048 to 1024.
To use 32-bit disk access with the Maxtor 7546AT hard disk, you may need to
reduce the cylinder count from 1048 to 1024.
The Maxtor 7548AT IDE hard disk drive has 1060 cylinders, 16 heads, and 63
sectors per track. Reducing the cylinder count in the CMOS settings to 1024
allows 32-bit disk access to work. If you continue to get an error message,
you may need to add the NOMOVEXBDA parameter to the EMM386.EXE command in
the CONFIG.SYS file.
For more information about Maxtor hard disks and 32-bit disk access
compatibility, please contact Maxtor.
The Quantum LPS-540AT hard disk defaults to 1120 cylinders, 59 logical
sectors per track, and 16 heads. According to Quantum technical support,
this drive can be configured with 1024 cylinders, 63 logical sectors per
track, and 16 heads to make this drive compatible with 32-bit disk access.
NOTE: Quantum's BBS has a self-extracting file, IDE_DOS.EXE, that contains
an MS-DOS utility that allows the drive to be formatted to 540 megabytes.
Included in this file is IDE_WIN.386, which is the Quantum replacement for
For more information about configuring your Quantum hard disk or about
using the files listed above, please contact Quantum.
Samsung SHD-30560A
Samsung recommends 1024 cylinders, 16 heads, and 63 sectors (for a total of
528.0 MB) to use 32-bit disk access.
Western Digital
The Western Digital 2420 hard disk is incompatible with 32-bit disk and
file access in Windows. For information about using this hard disk with
32-bit disk and file access in Windows, please contact Western Digital.
Caviar WDAC-2540:
Western Digital has confirmed that the Caviar model 2540 516 MB hard disk
uses BIOS parameter settings that are incompatible with the 32-bit disk
access driver (WDCTRL) included with Windows.
To work around this problem, use one of the following methods:
- If the BIOS in your computer does not support drives with more than 1024
cylinders, download a utility program called WDSWT.COM from the Western
Digital BBS. This utility stamps the disk with a parameter translation
brand so that it reports 1024 cylinders to the Windows 32-bit disk
access driver. This procedure is reversible should the need arise.
NOTE: WDSWT.COM is for use with the AC2540 drive only. It is not
intended for use on the AC2700 (730 MB) or AC31000 (1083 MB) drives. - Download the self-extracting file WIN31.EXE from the Western Digital
BBS. This file contains the driver WDCDRV.386, which can be used to
replace WDCTRL.
- Update your computer's ROM BIOS to a version that supports logical block
addressing (LBA) to automatically translate more than 1024 cylinders.
- Disable 32-bit disk access.
- Change the CMOS settings for the drive to 1024 cylinders or fewer, and
then run FDISK and reformat the disk. This workaround allows the use of
WDCTRL, but results in a loss of 11.8 MB of disk space.
WARNING: Be sure to back up your data before you repartition or reformat
your hard disk. Repartitioning or reformatting the disk will remove all
information from the disk.
For more information about these workarounds, please contact Western