Description of SHARE.EXE
SHARE.EXE (Share) is a file-sharing utility included with MS-DOS versions
3.0 and higher. It is used by application programs that work with several
files at a time. It is essential for sharing files on a network with
multiple users.
In MS-DOS, Share is a terminate-and-stay-resident (TSR) utility. If you are
running Windows for Workgroups version 3.11 in enhanced mode, Share is
replaced by an enhanced mode virtual device driver (VxD) called VSHARE.386
(VShare). VShare was designed for Windows for Workgroups and the peer-to-
peer networking it supports. Since Windows for Workgroups 3.11 uses only
VShare, you can conserve memory by not loading Share. Consult your Windows
for Workgroups documentation for more information about using VShare.
Because Share and VShare are functionally identical for Microsoft Access,
only Share will be described further in this article.
Share gives applications an easy, well-defined way to prevent users from
accessing the same file (or region of a file) at the same instant. Once
Share is run, an application can use it to lock a file (or region of a
file) so that only one person at a time can make changes to it, preventing
file read and write conflicts. Most multiuser and network software packages
use Share for their file and record locking tasks.
Microsoft Access uses Share to control file sharing between two or more
instances of Microsoft Access running on the same system and using the same
database, or to allow a workstation to run as a non-dedicated file server
in a Windows for Workgroups environment. Share is also used by certain
object linking and embedding (OLE) applications. OLE applications use Share
to coordinate file usage, and OLE itself opens files using Share. Also, all
of the installable ISAM drivers rely on Share.
How Share Works
Share maintains two tables in memory: the FILES table and the LOCK table.
The FILES table contains the complete pathname of each file that has been
opened, plus an internal file handle number and other housekeeping
information. The LOCK table contains a list of internal file handle numbers
and corresponding information on the various areas of each file that are
locked. Share checks these tables whenever an application attempts to open
or use a file or a region of a file, and tells the application whether or
not the file or region is available.
Share uses at least one entry in each table for each file that is opened.
The more files your computer opens and locks, the more space Share needs
for its internal tables. You can control the size of Share's internal
tables with two command line options: /F and /L. The /F option controls the
amount of space allocated for the FILES table and the /L option controls
the number of simultaneous locks that Share will allow.
The /F Parameter
The /F parameter controls the size (in bytes) of the table that Share
reserves for filenames and handles. The syntax for the /F parameter is
SHARE /F:<n>
where <n> is any number from 0 to approximately 62,000 (depending on the
other applications loaded). The default is /F:2048 (or, 2K). Share stores
the complete pathname of each file, plus 11 bytes of file handle and
housekeeping information. You can figure the largest possible space
requirement by multiplying the number of files in your CONFIG.SYS file by
71 (60 bytes for the longest possible pathname + 11 bytes for other
information). For example, if your system has FILES = 255 in your
CONFIG.SYS file, in the worst case (all 255 files are open) Share would
require over 18,100 bytes for the FILES table.
On a network server, you must allocate enough space for all the files that
will be opened by all the users on the network. The default value is 2048
bytes--enough space to hold the information for 66 files with paths
averaging 20 characters, or about 28 files in a worst-case scenario. If you
know that paths on your system average more than 20 characters or that you
will be opening many files, you should use the /F parameter to give Share
more space for the FILES table.
The /L Parameter
The /L parameter controls the number of simultaneous locks that Share can
handle. A low number of Share locks is a common problem for Microsoft
Access users on networks. The syntax for the /L parameter is
SHARE /L:<n>
where <n> is an integer between 1 and approximately 3800 (depending
on the size of other applications loaded). The default is 20 locks.
Opening a file on a server requires at least one lock. In addition, most
network programs use several more locks per file. They lock individual
records, and even individual fields within records. Most multiuser
databases use many locks--sometimes 10 or more per file. On a network, with
several users opening each file, Share's 20-lock default can be used up
almost instantly. The number of Share locks used by Microsoft Access
varies, depending on the amount of data that is accessed. A rough estimate
of the number of locks needed is 5 times the number of records that will be
accessed at any given time. During the Microsoft Access installation
process, the SETUP.EXE program automatically sets the number of locks to
Use the /L parameter to increase the number of locks allowed to prevent
Share lock errors. The /L setting should be at least the number of files
you have specified in your CONFIG.SYS file. If you are running a multiuser
program that opens many files, consider setting /L to at least twice the
number of open files allowed, or in the case of Microsoft Access, 5 times
the number.
Questions and Answers About Share and Microsoft Access
- Q: Does Microsoft Access use Share if you open a database
A: Yes. Share takes over all File Open calls.
- Q: Do any of the ODBC drivers (such as those in the Drivers Pack, or
third-party drivers) require Share?
A: Yes, all of the ODBC drivers require Share, whether in a multiuser
or a stand-alone configuration.
- Q: What is the highest number of locks Microsoft Access might need?
A: This is impossible to determine exactly, since it depends on the
amount of data that is accessed at any given time. However, a
rough estimate is 5 times the number of records that will be
accessed at any given time.
- Q: What memory does Share use?
A: Share uses conventional memory, while VShare uses memory from
the Windows memory pool (extended, virtual, and so on). You do not
need to run both Share and VShare, because VShare disables
- Q: Do Share and VShare compete with other applications for memory?
A: Share is an MS-DOS application that is loaded into the
conventional memory area, so it does compete with other programs
that use conventional memory. Also, Share requires a small
amount of memory to store file and lock information. VShare is a
Windows-managed VxD, so it can be allocated in any of the available
Windows memory areas and does not impact other applications.
- Q: Do transactions use Share?
A: Yes.
- Q: Why do I sometimes get a "Share locks exceeded" message, while
at other times I get an "Out of memory" error message?
A: If you have a Share locking problem, you get an error message
identifying Share as the problem. An "Out of memory" message
can be caused by a number of other things.