Specific files and WIN.INI settings are required when you use independent
vendor Windows-based terminal emulators with SNA Server for Windows NT.
The following executable files should be located in the <snaroot> directory
(where <snaroot> means the directory where your SNA Server for Windows NT
client software is installed). Verify the <snaroot> directory is in the
path statement in your AUTOEXEC.BAT file or put the files in a directory
that is in the path.
WNAP.EXE - SNA Windows client.
WPOPUP.EXE - Displays popup messages if errors occur.
SNAVER.EXE - Displays the version of SNA Server client components
WSHOWMEM.EXE - Displays the internal memory tables and settings for
diagnostic purposes (optional).
The following dynamic-link library (DLL) files should be located in the
<winroot>\system directory (where <winroot> means the directory where your
Windows 3.x, or Windows for Workgroups 3.xx software is installed).
DLLs for a Novell Netware Network
NWCLI.DLL - SNA client interface for Netware.
NWNETAPI.DLL - Netware Application Programming Interface (API).
NWIPXSPX.DLL - Netware IPX/SPX interface.
DLLs for a LAN Manager or Windows for Workgroups Network
LMCLI.DLL - SNA client interface for LAN Manager/WFW.
Other DLLs
WDMOD.DLL - SNA client interface used by WNAP, SNA API's and
third-party vendors using the Emulator Interface
Specification (EIS).
WLOGTR.DLL - Required for logging and trace formatting.
TOOLHELP.DLL - Used by WNAP to determine if an SNA Server client
application has ended.
WINTRC.DLL - For message tracing when debugging (optional).
CTL3D.DLL - For 3D support. Required by SNAVER.EXE and by SNA Server
for Windows NT 3270 and 5250 applets.
YMGR.DLL - Yield manager. Required for applications using the
DCA/Microsoft Communications Server APPC API.
DLLs for 5250 Terminal Emulation
WINAPPC.DLL - APPC API support for transaction verbs (see Chapter 4 of
the "APPC Programmer's Guide").
WINCSV.DLL - Common Service Verbs API support.
DLLs for SNA API Support
NOTE: Specific DLL files are required for SNA applications which use
specific APIs.
WINSLI.DLL - LUA Session Level Interface API support.
WINRUI.DLL - LUA Request Unit Interface API support.
WINMGT.DLL - APPC Management Verb API support (see Chapter 3 of the
"PPC Programmers Guide").
You also need to verify that the following entries are in the [Wnap]
section of the client's WIN.INI file:
Remote= [ <Netware domain name> | <SNA Server computer name>]
For a Netware network, this must be set to the domain name where the
SNA Server for Windows NT computer is running.
For a LAN Manager or Windows for Workgroups network, this entry is
optional unless the client is located in a different domain than the
SNA Server for Windows NT server. If this is the case, it must be set
to the SNA Server for Windows NT computer name.
NosType= [ LANMAN | NETWARE ] (Type of Network)
NosSetup= [ LANMAN | WFW | NETWARE ] (Type of client)
This is an example of a [Wnap] section of the WIN.INI file for Windows for
Workgroups client on a LAN Manager network in the same domain as the SNA
Server for Windows NT server:
The Novell Netware products included here are manufactured by vendors
independent of Microsoft; we make no warranty, implied or otherwise,
regarding these products' performance or reliability.