README.WRI from Windows for Workgroups 3.11 (Part 4 of 4) (109514)
The information in this article applies to:
- Microsoft Windows for Workgroups 3.11
This article was previously published under Q109514 SUMMARY
The following information was taken from the Microsoft Windows for
Workgroups version 3.11 README.WRI file.
12.2 EISA Systems with More Than 16 Megabytes of Extended Memory
On some EISA (Extended Industry Standard Architecture) computers,
there may be more extended memory available than the system's Int
15h/88h BIOS call can detect. On these computers, HIMEM.SYS uses only
the amount of extended memory detected. This can result in a large
amount of unused memory.
You can have HIMEM.SYS use all available extended memory by using the
/EISA option in the CONFIG.SYS file. For example, if HIMEM.SYS is
located in your WINDOWS directory, you would use the following
command line in the CONFIG.SYS file to take advantage of all
available extended memory:
device=c:\windows\himem.sys /EISA
If you use the /EISA option, do not load any device drivers that use
the Int 15h/88h BIOS call to allocate extended memory before loading
HIMEM.SYS. If you do, your system may not work properly. If you must
reserve some extended memory for device drivers or applications that
use the Int 15h/88h BIOS call, you can specify the amount of memory
in kilobytes that you want to reserve by using the /INT15= option.
For example, if you want to reserve 128 kilobytes of extended memory,
you would use the following command line in the CONFIG.SYS file:
device=c:\windows\himem.sys /EISA /INT15=128
HIMEM.SYS must still be loaded before other device drivers in the
To determine if your device driver or application uses the Int15h/88h
BIOS call, see the documentation for your device or contact your
device dealer. For more information about using HIMEM.SYS with the
INT15 option, see "Managing Memory and Performance" in your Windows
or Windows for Workgroups user's guide.
12.3 Epson Screen Savers
Some Epson computers have screen-saver utilities that clear the
screen after a specified period of inactivity. With Windows for
Workgroups, the screen saver might detect that the system is idle
when it is not. Windows will function properly even though the screen
is blank, but nothing will be displayed until you quit Windows and
then restart it.
See the documentation that you received with your Epson computer for
instructions on how to turn off the screen saver.
12.4 NCR 925 with EMM386.EXE
If you are using an NCR 925 with EMM386.EXE, include the following
option on the device=EMM386.EXE command line in your CONFIG.SYS file:
device=EMM386.EXE X=E000-EFFF
12.5 Non-US Keyboard Layouts: Using Application Shortcut Keys
Some non-US keyboards show two characters per alphabet key and three
characters per alphanumeric key. To type the second or third
character, you must press and hold down CTRL+ALT or ALTGR before
pressing the key. If you are using such a keyboard layout, do not use
keys that show two or three characters as application shortcut keys.
12.6 Plus Hardcard
· To run Windows for Workgroups with a Hardcard, you must include the
following line in the [386Enh] section in the SYSTEM.INI file:
For information on how to modify the SYSTEM.INI file, see the
SYSINI.WRI online document.
Note: This procedure is not necessary if you are using a Hardcard II
or a Hardcard II XL.
· It is also recommended that you use SMARTDrive double-buffering
with a Hardcard. For more information about using SMARTDrive, see
"Managing Memory and Performance" in your Windows or Windows for
Workgroups user's guide.
12.7 SCSI(r) Hard Disk Using DMA
If your computer has an SCSI hard disk that uses Direct Memory Access
(DMA), you must include the following entry in the [386Enh] section
of the SYSTEM.INI file:
In addition, you must have SMARTDrive installed and you must NOT
disable double-buffering by removing or remarking out the \D option
in the CONFIG.SYS file.
For information on how to modify the SYSTEM.INI file, see the
SYSINI.WRI online document.
12.8 Columbia Data Products SCSI Hard-Disk Controller
To use the Columbia Data Products SCSI hard-disk controller with
Windows for Workgroups, you must update the Columbia Data Products
SCSI driver to version 3.35 or higher.
12.9 Sound Blaster Audio Card
If you are using a Sound Blaster audio card that includes a Digital
Signal Processor (DSP) chip earlier than version 2.0, you may want to
upgrade to version 2.0 to improve audio performance. To find out
which version of the DSP chip you currently have, run the
TEST-SBC.EXE utility included in your Sound Blaster package. To
receive version 2.0 of the DSP chip, contact Creative Technology Ltd.
12.10 Tandy 2500 XL with MS-DOS in ROM
The Tandy 2500 XL can be configured to use MS-DOS in read-only memory
(ROM). If you want to use this feature, after you run Windows Setup
you must run the Tandy setup program (SETUPXL). Modify your
configuration so that your AUTOEXEC.BAT and CONFIG.SYS files are read
from drive C.
12.11 Wyse Computers
If you are using a Wyse computer to run Windows, you might need to
modify the device=HIMEM.SYS line in your CONFIG.SYS file to read:
device=[path]HIMEM.SYS /M:WYSE
13.0 Using Microsoft At Work PC Fax
This section contains information about using Microsoft At Work PC
Fax to send and receive faxes.
13.1 Sending Faxes from Applications
If you are sending messages to a non-At Work recipient, the message
format should be set to Facsimile Format or Email If Available in the
send message Options dialog box. You must be running Mail in order
for Microsoft At Work PC Fax to create an image of the message being
sent and its document attachments when facsimile format faxes are
sent. Typically, messages are composed and sent using Mail, so this
will not be a problem. However, some applications provide a File
Send command that allows you to create messages outside of Mail. If
Mail is not running, the delivery format option of these messages
must be set to Email Format in the send message Options dialog box.
Otherwise, you should start Mail before sending the fax.
You can also print from an application directly to the Microsoft At
Work PC Fax printer driver. Use the Printer Setup command to specify
printing to the Microsoft At Work PC Fax printer driver, and then use
Print to send the Fax. If you use this method, you will need to
start Mail to see if the message was transmitted. If the message was
not able to be transmitted, an undeliverable message will appear in
your Mail Inbox.
13.2 Cancelling a Fax
To cancel a fax transmission, use the Fax Queue command in Mail. To
generate fax images for transmission, Microsoft At Work PC Fax causes
applications to print the document attachments of the message to the
Microsoft At Work PC Fax printer driver. Some applications display a
dialog box that allows you to cancel printing the attachment. Never
cancel the print job at this point. Choose OK to continue the print
job, if needed.
Do not delete messages to fax recipients from the Outbox in Mail.
This causes fax transmissions to remain in the fax queue until you
delete them by using the Fax Queue command.
13.3 Different Fax Appearance
The Microsoft At Work PC Fax printer driver is used to create images
of documents for transmission. This printer driver may support a
different set of fonts than the printer driver you usually use. This
can cause fonts, line breaks, and page breaks to be different in the
transmitted document than appear when the document was created.
To help reduce this problem, it is best to use only True Type fonts
in your document. You can also use the Printer Setup to change the
default printer driver to the Microsoft At Work PC Fax printer driver
before you send the document as a fax. This will cause the
application to repaginate the document according to the fonts
supported by the Microsoft At Work PC Fax printer driver.
13.4 Use Correct Image Quality When Sending Faxes
If you choose to send a fax using an image quality that isn't
supported on the destination machine, the message will be returned as
undeliverable mail in your Mail Inbox with the message, "Error:
Resolution not supported by receiver. Transmission failed - Not all
pages sent." To ensure that only resolutions supported by the
destination fax machine will be sent, set the image quality to Best
Faxes with 300 dpi resolution can be sent only to Microsoft At Work
PC Fax recipients.
13.5 Working Offline When Fax Transport Can't Be Started
You may find that the fax transport can't be loaded when you start
Mail or send a message from an application. This can be caused by
problems such as being disconnected from the modem, or not being able
to establish a network connection with a shared modem. When this
occurs, you are given the option of working with Microsoft At Work PC
Fax offline. This allows you to create and send faxes as usual, but
the faxes will remain in the Outbox and won't be transmitted. To
transmit the fax messages once the fax transport becomes available,
select the Mode command from Mail's Fax menu and clear the Work
Offline check box. The faxes will not be transmitted until the Work
Offline check box is cleared.
13.6 CPU-Intensive Operations Can Cause Transmission Failures
Some operations during a fax transmission can cause the transmission
to fail. This includes some MS-DOS operations, such as formatting a
floppy disk, copying files, or making file transfers across a
network. You should avoid CPU-intensive operations such as these
when a fax transmission is occurring. The Microsoft At Work PC Fax
icon displays information regarding fax transmissions that are
currently in progress. To always display fax status, choose the Fax
icon from the Control Panel group, and check the Always Display Fax
Status check box.
13.7 Binary File Transfer
Only Class 1 fax modems can be used for binary file transfers.
13.8 Fax Modem Information
The following fax modems may not be compatible with Microsoft At Work PC
NOTE: BPS stands for "bits per second."
Manufacturer Modem Class Location
Cardinal MB2296SR Class 2 internal
Practical Peripheral PM2400FXSA Class 2 external
Zoom FX9624 Class 2 external
Zoom FC96/24 Class 2 internal
Macronix VOMAX 2000 Class 2 external
Macronix MaxFax9624 Class 2 internal
MegaHertz Pocket Fax Modem
2400 BPS P224 FMV Class 1 external
National TyIN 2000 Class 2 external
\* The National TyIN 2000 is actually an internal modem.
The following international fax modems may not be compatible with
Microsoft At Work PC Fax.
Country Manufacturer Modem Class Location
UK Cray Comm Quantum 144 Class 1 external
GER Dr. Neuhaus Fury 241 Class 2 internal
GER ELSA Mikrolink 14.4PC Class 2 internal
SWE Multitech Mt932Ba Class 2 external
(US version OK)
AUS BIT Blitzer MX-6 Class 1 external
AUS BIT Blitzer XM124S-RFAX Class 2 external
AUS Microfax Class 2 external
FRA Kortex KX PRO 2400 CAS internal
FRA La Commande LCE Minifax Class 1 external
ITA Digicomm SNM28 SR Class 2 internal
ITA Sysnet SMF 04FAX Class 1 internal
14.0 Security
An administrator configuration utility, ADMINCFG.EXE, is available to
simplify the task of administering network security privileges. For
more information and for this utility, see the Windows for Workgroups
Resource Kit Addendum. For information about how to order the
Resource Kit Addendum, see section 17 of this file.
\* This information is actually in section 18 of this file.
15.0 Using the Real-Mode Redirector
You can connect to shared resources from MS-DOS by using the
real-mode redirector. The real-mode redirector commands all begin
with the word NET. For information about using NET commands, type NET
HELP at an MS-DOS prompt.
If you are using a multi-network configuration, the NET commands may
only work on other machines with the same network. See your Workgroup
Add-On User's Guide, and the on-line document NETWORKS.WRI for more
information about using multiple networks.
16.0 Quitting Windows for Workgroups When Microsoft Mail is Still Running
If you have Mail in your Startup group and it is set up to be
minimized when it starts, you will experience a long delay when you
quit Windows. In addition, you will see the following message:
This application was communicating on the network when you terminated
it. Although Windows attempted to restore the state of the network,
you may have problems with network communications until you restart
your computer.
The same problem may occur if you have Mail running in a window (not
minimized) when you quit Windows.
To correct this problem, edit your MSMAIL.INI file (located in your
Windows directory). In the [Microsoft Mail] section, change the
NetBios= entry to the following:
After saving the change to the file, restart Windows.
17.0 Other Online Documents
The following table describes other online documents that contain
important information about Windows for Workgroups that is not
included in the printed documentation or in Help:
Document Contains
SETUP.TXT - Information about problems that may occur when you
set up Windows for Workgroups.
MAIL.WRI - Information about the MSMAIL.INI file and other Mail
administration information.
PRINTERS.WRI - Information about specific printers and fonts.
NETWORKS.WRI - Information about running Windows for Workgroups with
specific network configurations.
SYSINI.WRI - Information about the settings in the SYSTEM.INI file.
WININI.WRI - Information about the settings in the WIN.INI file.
18.0 Ordering the Resource Kits
Two resource kits are available:
· Microsoft Windows for Workgroups 3.11 Resource Kit
This kit provides complete technical information about Windows for
Workgroups version 3.1 for the support professional. It includes a
technical reference manual and a disk containing helpful utilities,
system-resource viewers, drivers, and accessories.
· Microsoft Windows for Workgroups Resource Kit Addendum for Version 3.11
If you already have a copy of the Windows for Workgroups 3.1 Resource
Kit, this addendum kit provides technical information about new
features of Windows for Workgroups version 3.11. It includes a
technical reference manual and a disk containing helpful utilities.
To order the resource kits within the United States, dial:
To order outside of the United States, dial the phone number for your
area. You can find this number on the International Subsidiary card.
19.0 Getting Drivers from the Windows Driver Library
If you need to get updated copies of drivers, or drivers that do not
come with Windows for Workgroups version 3.11, you can get them from
Microsoft Product Support Services at (425) 637-7098 or (425) 635-4948
(text telephone).
Modification Type: | Major | Last Reviewed: | 9/23/1999 |
Keywords: | KB109514 |