SETUP.TXT from Windows for Workgroups 3.11 (Part 3 of 3) (109512)

The information in this article applies to:

  • Microsoft Windows for Workgroups 3.11

This article was previously published under Q109512


The following information was taken from the Microsoft Windows for Workgroups version 3.11 SETUP.TXT file.



Do not add or remove "joined" drives while you are running Windows for
Workgroups. If you use the JOIN command before starting Windows for
Workgroups and do not change the state of the joined drives from MS-DOS
Prompt within Windows, Windows for Workgroups will work properly. It is
recommended that you do not use joined drives at all if you plan to run


If you use command-line options to load KEYB.COM, it is recommended that
you load it before starting Windows for Workgroups. After it is loaded, you
can change the keyboard configuration from MS-DOS Prompt within Windows at
any time. If you do not load KEYB.COM before starting Windows, you may
encounter problems when using a KEYB command that includes an option in an
MS-DOS Prompt. However, you can use the KEYB command without options at any
time to display code-page information.

LANSight(TM) Version 2.0

LANSight is a utility that you can use to control and monitor other
workstations attached to a Novell network. In some cases, version 2.0 of
LANSight may cause the workstation running Windows for Workgroups to fail.

Lasertool Control Panel Version 2.2

If you load version 2.2 of the Lasertool Control Panel program
(PCPANEL.EXE) from Windows for Workgroups, your system may fail. This
program works properly if you load it before you start Windows for

Le Menu Version 1.0

When you are using Le Menu version 1.0 with Windows for Workgroups,
environment information such as PATH, PROMPT, and WINDIR may be lost if you
start MS-DOS Prompt from within Windows. If you want to start Windows for
Workgroups by using a Le Menu menu command, it is recommended that you set
up Windows for Workgroups as a Batch-File menu command so that COMMAND.COM
will load before starting Windows for Workgroups. For more information, see
your Le Menu documentation.

LOCKIT Version 3.3 (PC Vault, Secure It)

Version 3.3 of these programs strips out spaces from the load= command line
in the WIN.INI file. Later versions may correct this problem.

Logitech(TM) Mouse Software Version 5.0/6.0 (CLICK, LOGIMENU)

If you want to use CLICK and LOGIMENU from MS-DOS Prompt within Windows,
you must load the TSRs from that MS-DOS Prompt, even if you loaded the TSRs
before starting Windows for Workgroups. When you quit Windows for
Workgroups, you must reload the TSRs for them to work properly from the
command prompt outside of Windows, even if you loaded them from MS-DOS
Prompt within Windows.

Mace Disk-Cache Utility (MCACHE.SYS)

This disk-cache utility will not work properly with SMARTDrive. It is
recommended that you use SMARTDrive, provided with Windows for Workgroups,
and remove all references to other disk-cache utilities from your
CONFIG.SYS and AUTOEXEC.BAT files. (If Mace is detected, Setup removes it
from your CONFIG.SYS file for you.)

Maximizer Memory Manager (MAXIMIZE.COM)

If you are using the Maximizer memory manager, you may not be able to set
up or start Windows for Workgroups. Make sure that you are using only one
memory manager with Windows for Workgroups. It is recommended that you use
HIMEM.SYS and EMM386.EXE, which are provided with Windows for Workgroups,
to manage memory instead.

Mirror (MS-DOS)

If you run Mirror from Windows for Workgroups by using the Run command or
from a command line within an MS-DOS box, it creates an inaccurate
MIRROR.FIL file. You should run Mirror only before you run Windows.

If you run Mirror with the /t option and then start Windows, you cannot
remove it from memory by using the MIRROR /u command until you exit
Windows. This will cause an error message to appear.


You may have problems loading this command-line editor. Also, it may cause
unexpected results when running with Windows for Workgroups.

NetRoom Memory Manager (RM386.SYS)

With some older versions of NetRoom, you may encounter problems setting up
Windows for Workgroups. In this case, contact Helix Software for the most
current version of NetRoom.

NetWare(R) NetBIOS

The NetWare NetBIOS TSR is incompatible with Windows for Workgroups in many
configurations. In most cases, Setup will detect NetWare NetBIOS and remove
the startup command from your system. However, if you have NetWare NetBIOS
set up to start from a location other than your AUTOEXEC.BAT file (for
example, from a batch file), Setup cannot detect it. In this case, you need
to remove NetWare NetBIOS manually. Windows for Workgroups 3.11 includes an
IPX/SPX compatible protocol that you can use instead of NetBIOS. For
information about configuring Windows for Workgroups to work with it, see
the NETWORKS.WRI online document.

Newspace Version 1.07

This disk-compression utility is incompatible with Windows for Workgroups
and may cause several problems.

Norton Anti-Virus(R) Version 1.0

If you load version 1.0 of Anti-Virus before you set up Windows for
Workgroups, Setup may fail. It is recommended that you contact Symantec for
the most current version of this program.

Norton Desktop for Windows (EP.EXE)

If the data-recovery program Erase Protect (EP.EXE) is loaded from your
AUTOEXEC.BAT file, you need to disable it when you are setting up Windows
for Workgroups, especially if you are upgrading over a previous version of
Windows. Erase Protect tries to save copies of all deleted files, which can
cause you to run out of disk space while running Setup.

It is recommended that you run Erase Protect with a permanent swap file. If
you are using a temporary swap file, you need to exclude files that have a
.TMP or .SWP extension from erase protection.

Norton Utilities(R) Version 5.0 (DISKREET, NCACHE)

This program is incompatible with Windows for Workgroups and may cause your
system to fail. It is recommended that you upgrade to the most recent
version of Norton Utilities to correct problems.

Norton Utilities Version. 6.01 (NCACHE)

Some versions of NCACHE may prevent you from setting up or starting Windows
for Workgroups. This is more likely to happen if NCACHE is set up as an EMS
cache. Setting up NCACHE as an XMS cache instead may solve the problem.

You may also encounter additional problems using NCACHE. New versions
may correct these problems. For an updated version of NCACHE, contact
Symantec Corporation. In the meantime, you can use SMARTDrive, which
is provided with Windows for Workgroups.

Norton Utilities Version 6.01 (DISKMON)

It is recommended that you do not use DISKMON version 6.01 with Windows for

PCED Version 2.00

Do not load the PCED command-line editor HIGH. Loading it HIGH may cause
unexpected results, such as system failures, when Windows for Workgroups is

PCKEY.EXE (MultiSoft Keyboard Enhancer and Command-Line Stack)

PCKEY.EXE may not work properly with Windows for Workgroups when you are
running more than one MS-DOS--based application at a time. It is
recommended that you unload PCKEY.EXE before starting Windows for

PC-Kwik Disk Accelerator

If you use PC-Kwik with Windows for Workgroups, make sure that you are
using version 3.55 or later and that PC-Kwik is in extended memory, not
expanded memory. To get an upgraded version of PC-Kwik, contact MultiSoft.

PC-Kwik Disk-Cache Utility (PC-KWIK.EXE)

Do not use this disk-cache utility simultaneously with SMARTDrive. There is
no reason to use two disk-cache utilities with Windows for Workgroups. It
is recommended that you use SMARTDrive, provided with Windows for
Workgroups, instead.


If version 1.59 of PC-KWIK is loaded before setting up Windows for
Workgroups, Setup may fail. PC-KWIK Version 2.0 may correct this problem.


This utility is incompatible with Windows for Workgroups. You should remove
all references to it from your CONFIG.SYS and AUTOEXEC.BAT files before
setting up or starting Windows for Workgroups. PCSXMAEM.SYS is similar to
XMAEM.SYS. It has been renamed and slightly modified. It is provided with
current versions of the IBM PC/3270 emulator.


Windows for Workgroups will run correctly with PCSX2EMS.SYS if it is loaded
on a computer that has an XMA board installed. Otherwise, this program is
incompatible with Windows for Workgroups. PCSX2EMS.SYS is provided with the
IBM PC/3270 emulator.

PC Tools Deluxe(TM) Version 7.1 (DATAMON)

If you load PC Tools DATAMON using the \SENTRY+ option, Setup may fail if
you are low on disk space. Do not use the \SENTRY+ option when loading

Do not load DATAMON after loading SMARTDrive. If DATAMON is loaded after
SMARTDrive, your system may fail. See the PC Tools documentation for
information about how to unload DATAMON.

PC Tools Deluxe Version 6.0 (DESKTOP)

If you try to start PC Tools from a MS-DOS Prompt within Windows for
Workgroups, your system may fail or restart itself. These problems also
occur if you use MS-DOS commands from a MS-DOS Prompt within Windows.

Version 7.0 of PC Tools may correct these problems. However, do not load
DESKTOP from a MS-DOS Prompt if it was loaded before starting Windows for
Workgroups. If you do, your system may fail when you quit Windows for
Workgroups. It is recommended that you run DESKTOP from its PIF, provided
with Windows for Workgroups.

PC Tools Deluxe Version 7.1 (VDEFEND)

Setup may not work properly if VDEFEND is loaded before running Setup. You
may load VDEFEND after setting up Windows for Workgroups.

PC Tools(TM) Disk-Cache Utility (PC-CACHE.COM)

Do not use this disk-cache utility simultaneously with SMARTDrive. There is
no reason to use two disk-cache utilities with Windows. It is recommended
that you use SMARTDrive, provided with Windows for Workgroups, instead.


If you are printing several large documents on a network printer and run
Setup from the network, your system may fail while Setup is creating
Program Manager groups.

PYRO! Version 1.0

If this screen saver is loaded before starting Windows for Workgroups, you
may not be able to restore the Windows for Workgroups screen after this
screen saver appears.

QMAPS Memory Manager Version 5.16

If you are using the QMAPS memory manager, you may not be able to set up or
start Windows for Workgroups. New versions may correct these problems. For
an updated version of QMAPS, contact Quadtel. In the meantime, you can use
HIMEM.SYS and EMM386.EXE, provided with Windows for Workgroups, to manage
memory instead.

RAMTYPE.SYS - AST RAMpage!(R) Boards

The RAMTYPE.SYS driver is incompatible with Windows for Workgroups. It is
recommended that you remove this driver before setting up Windows for
Workgroups. If you load the driver from your CONFIG.SYS file, comment out
the command line for the driver as follows:


Windows for Workgroups will run correctly without RAMTYPE.SYS. However,
other drivers that rely on RAMTYPE.SYS will not load and applications will
not be able to use the expanded memory on your system.

After you set up Windows for Workgroups, you can use version 1.2 and later
of RAMTYPE.SYS with Windows for Workgroups. If you are using an earlier
version on an IBM PS/2 or Micro Channel Architecture computer and your
RAMpage! board is configured for expanded and extended memory, you need to
upgrade your AST RAMTYPE.SYS driver after you set up Windows for
Workgroups. You will also need to remove the "rem" command from your
CONFIG.SYS file so that RAMTYPE.SYS will load properly.

Secretdisk II Disk-Cache Utility (FAST512.SYS)

This disk-cache utility will not work properly with SMARTDrive. It is
recommended that you use SMARTDrive, provided with Windows for Workgroups,
and remove all references to other disk-cache utilities from your
CONFIG.SYS and AUTOEXEC.BAT files. (If this utility is detected, Setup
removes it from your CONFIG.SYS file for you).

SideKick(R) Versions 1.0 and 2.0 and SideKick Plus

Miscellaneous problems may occur when you run SideKick as a TSR with
Windows for Workgroups. It is recommended that you use a PIF to run
SideKick as an MS-DOS--based application instead of loading it as a TSR.

SoftIce Debugger

If SoftIce is loaded, Setup will fail when starting the Windows portion of
the program. It is recommended that you unload SoftIce before you set up
Windows for Workgroups.


This program is incompatible with Windows for Workgroups when running as a
TSR. It tries to increase the speed of the floppy disk drives, but slows
them instead. To get the best results, use the -X option when loading
SpeedFXR. This will prevent SpeedFXR from remaining in memory and affecting
the speed of the floppy disk drives.


Do not add or remove "substituted" drives while you are running Windows for
Workgroups. If you use the SUBST command before starting Windows for
Workgroups and do not change the state of the substituted drives from an MS-
DOS Prompt within Windows, Windows for Workgroups will work properly.

Super PC-Kwik Disk-Cache Utility (SUPERPCK.EXE)

Do not use this disk-cache utility simultaneously with SMARTDrive. There is
no reason to use two disk-cache utilities with Windows. It is recommended
that you use SMARTDrive, provided with Windows for Workgroups, instead.

Trantor T100 Host Adapter Driver (TSCSI.SYS)

(For SCSI hard disk drives) - If you use the Trantor T100 driver
(TSCSI.SYS), you must use version 4.33d or higher. Earlier versions
identify the SCSI hard disk drive as a removable drive. This may cause
problems when you are using File Manager--for example, your system could
fail while you format a drive, or you could get unexpected results when you
delete files. To get an updated driver, contact Trantor Systems, Ltd.

UMB PRO Version 1.07

If you are running UMB PRO, you may experience problems running Windows for
Workgroups. In some cases, your system may fail. Make sure that you are
using only one memory manager with Windows for Workgroups. It is
recommended that you use HIMEM.SYS and EMM386.EXE, which are provided with
Windows for Workgroups, to manage memory instead.


If Vaccine is loaded, Setup fails when trying to modify your CONFIG.SYS and
AUTOEXEC.BAT files. You should unload Vaccine before you set up Windows for
Workgroups. You may also encounter problems, such as beeping, while running
Windows for Workgroups when Vaccine is loaded.

VIREX-PC Version 1.11

If VIREXPC.COM is loaded, Setup and Windows for Workgroups will fail when
KRNL386.EXE performs a write operation. Also, the first time Windows for
Workgroups is loaded, you may be returned to the MS-DOS prompt.

Virus Prevention Plus Version 5.0

If Virus Prevention Plus is loaded, you may not be able to set up Windows
for Workgroups successfully. You may also encounter problems when you run
Windows for Workgroups. The Keyboard Lock program may cause Windows for
Workgroups to fail.

Virusafe Version 4.0

If this program is loaded as a TSR, Setup may fail while you are setting up
Windows for Workgroups. It is recommended that you load Virusafe by using
the /C- option. This option turns off the memory-change detection provided
with Virusafe. Version 4.5 may correct this problem. For more information,
see your Virusafe documentation.


XMAEM.SYS is a device that causes extended memory to act like XMA. This
utility is incompatible with Windows for Workgroups. It is recommended that
you remove all references to it from your CONFIG.SYS and AUTOEXEC.BAT files
before you set up or run Windows for Workgroups. XMAEM.SYS is provided with
IBM DOS version 4.0.


Windows for Workgroups will run correctly with XMA2EMS.SYS if it is loaded
on a computer that has an XMA board installed. Otherwise, this program is
incompatible with Windows for Workgroups. XMA2EMS.SYS is provided with IBM
DOS version 4.0.

Modification Type:MinorLast Reviewed:1/6/2005