FIX: ClassWizard Parsing Error with Float Variables (108521)

The information in this article applies to:

  • The ClassWizard, when used with:
    • Microsoft Visual C++ 1.0
    • Microsoft Visual C++ 1.5
    • Microsoft Visual C++, 32-bit Professional Edition 2.0

This article was previously published under Q108521


After entering a maximum or minimum float variable value in the edit variable option of Class Wizard, a parsing error happens when starting up Class Wizard again with the same project. Any number entered that is greater than 999,999 will cause this problem.


The minimum and maximum information for the float is written out to the dialog box's .CPP file (in the case above, CDDXPROP.CPP, in the DoDataExchange member function). In this case, it is written as:
   DDV_MinMaxFloat(pDX, m_edit, 0., 1.e+008);
Changing the scientific notation in the .CPP file from 1.e+008 to its original form as 99999999 will solve the parsing problem, and Class Wizard will open as expected without displaying the parsing error.


Microsoft has confirmed this to be a bug in the Microsoft products listed at the beginning of this article. This bug was corrected in Visual C++ 2.1.


To reproduce this problem, do the following:

  1. Choose Open from the Project menu in the Visual Workbench and open the Trace project in the \MSVC\MFC\SAMPLES\TRACER directory.
  2. From the Tools menu, choose AppStudio.
  3. Highlight the dialog box choice and choose New. Choose Dialog from the New Resource dialog box.
  4. From the palette of controls, choose an edit control and drag it onto the dialog box.
  5. From the Resource menu, choose Class Wizard.
  6. At this point you will be prompted to create a new class. Name the class CDDXProp and then choose Create Class.
  7. Choose Member Variables tab, highlight IDC_EDIT1.
  8. Choose Add Variables and name the variable m_edit. Change the variable type to float and choose OK.
  9. Set the minimum value to 0 (zero) and the maximum value to 99999999 and exit Class Wizard.
  10. Restart the Class Wizard by choosing Class Wizard from the resource menu of App Studio.

    The following error appears:
    Parsing error: Expected ")"
    Input Line: "DDV_MinMaxFloat(pDX, m_edit, 0., 1.e+008);"
The number 99999999 has been written out in scientific notation to the dialog's .CPP file.

Modification Type:MajorLast Reviewed:12/2/2003
Keywords:kbbug kbfix kbwizard KB108521