Microsoft Visual Basic version 3.00 for Windows
Microsoft Corporation Technical Notes
TN002.TXT: Custom Control Version Management
This note describes how to use the version management functionality for
custom controls.
Visual Basic provides upward compatibility for custom controls. This means
that a custom control created for Visual Basic version 1.0 will run in
Visual Basic versions 2.0 and 3.0. If a custom control uses version-
specific features, a custom control can always explicitly test for a
specific version during initialization and thereby determine whether or not
to load.
There are cases, however, when a Visual Basic application created with
a new version of a custom control runs on a system with an older version
of the custom control. Depending on the features and implementation
of the custom control, the application may not work correctly -- or worse,
may cause VB.EXE or VBRUNx00.DLL to crash.
The following sections describe Visual Basic version 3.0's custom control
version management system, which can help avoid potential application
MODEL Structure
This is the definition of the MODEL structure used in Visual Basic version
3.0. Note the addition of the last field (USHORT usCtlVersion).
typedef struct tagMODEL
USHORT usVersion; // VB version used by control
FLONG fl; // Bitfield structure
PCTLPROC pctlproc; // The control procedure
FSHORT fsClassStyle; // Window class style
FLONG flWndStyle; // Default window style
USHORT cbCtlExtra; // Number of bytes allocated
// for control structure
USHORT idBmpPalette; // BITMAP ID for tool palette
PSTR npszDefCtlName; // Default control name prefix
PSTR npszClassName; // Visual Basic class name
PSTR npszParentClassName; // Parent window class, if subclassed
NPPROPLIST npproplist; // Property list
NPEVENTLIST npeventlist; // Event list
BYTE nDefProp; // Index of default property
BYTE nDefEvent; // Index of default event
BYTE nValueProp; // Index of control value property
USHORT usCtlVersion; // Identifies current version of the
// custom control. The values 1 and
// 2 are reserved for custom controls
// created with VB1.0 and VB2.0
Control Version
A custom control developer who wants to take advantage of the version
management feature in Visual Basic version 3.0 needs to provide a valid
version number in the usCtlVersion field. This value must be an unsigned
integer (USHORT), and it should be changed any time the custom control
changes its backward compatibility with previous versions.
Although any nonzero value is valid, the values 1 and 2 should not be used.
Because Visual Basic versions 1.0 and 2.0 do not support version
management, Visual Basic automatically assigns values 1 and 2 to any custom
control that has the usVersion field in the control's MODEL structure set
to VB100_VERSION and VB200_VERSION, respectively.
In order to take advantage of version management, you must set the
usVersion field of the control's MODEL structure to VB300_VERSION or
greater, or use VB_VERSION defined in a Visual Basic version 3.0 VBAPI.H
file. This allows Visual Basic to determine whether the usCtlVersion field
is defined in the MODEL structure of a given custom control.
If the custom control contains a value of 0 in the usCtlVersion field,
no version control checks are made on this custom control.
How the System Works
When you create a Visual Basic executable (.EXE) file that uses a custom
control, Visual Basic retrieves the control version number (usCtlVersion)
for that control and stores it in a special section of the .EXE file.
When you execute the application, the Visual Basic run-time support file
(VBRUN300.DLL or greater) checks the control version number recorded
in the .EXE file against the version number found in the custom control
when it is loaded into the system. If the version found in the .EXE file
is greater than the version of the control loaded into the system,
Visual Basic displays a notification that the particular custom control
(.VBX file) is out of date and will not load, consequently forcing
the application to terminate.