The DosPeekNmPipe API lets you examine the contents of a named pipe
without taking anything out of it.
unsigned far pascal
unsigned handle, /* pipe handle */
char far * buffer, /* buffer for data */
USHORT buflen, /* length of buffer */
USHORT far * bread /* bytes read */
USHORT far * bavail, /* bytes available */
USHORT far * status /* pipe status */
If successful, DosPeekNmPipe copies as much data as will fit into the
buf buffer. The bRead parameter returns the number of bytes written
into buf. The bAvail and status parameters return additional
information not available with DosRead.
A named pipe application often makes a decision based on parameter values
(bRead, bAvail, status and buf) returned by the DosPeekNmPipe API. For
example, an application may try to read message/bytes in the pipe if
bRead > 0, so an incorrectly returned bRead value might result in
execution of the wrong code path.
When a DosPeekNmPipe is called, DOS redir bundles this request in a
transact server message block (SMB) and sends it to the server.
Applications call DosPeekNmPipe to check the status of the pipe,
often in a loop until pipe status changes. To reduce network traffic,
the redir does not send a transact SMB on the wire each time an
application calls DosPeekNmPipe: if DosPeekNmPipe returns 0 bytes
read, the next DosPeekNmPipe transact SMB is not sent on the wire for
9 timer ticks, and incremental delays are introduced before sending a
packet. If an application issues a DosPeekNmPipe call before the redir
can send a packet, DOS redir should initialize bRead and bAvail to 0,
but in this instance it initializes bAvail to 0 and bRead to something
other than 0. DosPeekNmPipe returns a meaningless bRead value, and the
DOS redir does not send DosPeekNmPipe/transact SMB on the wire.