The "BR" command in WDEB386.EXE uses the debug registers of the Intel
386 and above processors to break into the debugger on memory
accesses. These accesses can be in byte, word, or dword sizes
involving a read, write, or execute instruction. Because the BR
command is very specific as to the type of memory access it will trap,
care must be taken to choose the correct combination of BR settings in
order to obtain all possible cases:
E == execute access
W == write access
R == read access
1 == byte sized access
2 == word sized access
4 == dword sized access
When a break into the debugger is required when a memory location is
modified, set a few BR breakpoints on a Write operation giving the
three different operand sizes:
BR W1 seg:off
BR W2 seg:off
BR W4 seg:off
This should cover all possible cases of the memory being touched.