The System Information window for versions 3.0 and 3.1 of Microsoft
Mail for AppleTalk Networks is invoked by holding down the Command,
Option, and ? keys while logged into mail. The Command+Option+?
keystroke will display a window with information similar to the
3.1 System Information
Desk Accessory:
Version Number 31001
Device Driver:
Version Number 31001
Serial Number 00-067-0311-00000000
Mail Server:
Version Number 3100
Serial Number 46100544
Server Name:
This information can be helpful when troubleshooting problems stemming from
mismatched workstation and server mail versions. The above example shows
that the Microsoft Mail desk accessory and MS Mail chooser extension are
both version 3.1a. The user is currently logged into a version 3.1 mail
server called "Marketing". If the user had been using version 3.0
workstation software, the version number would have been 3000X where X=0
implies that it is version 3.0 and X=1 implies that it is version 3.0a.