When the MODIFY REPORT command is issued in an executable file and
the report to be modified is an MS-DOS-style report, one the following
error messages occur:
FoxPro 2.x for Windows: "Record out of range."
Visual FoxPro for Windows: "Report file is invalid."
Under FoxPro 2.x for Window, resolve this problem by runing the transporter
on the report before modifying the report.
For example, insert the following line in the program shown below in
the "More Information" section as the first line of code:
This line causes the transporter program, TRANSPRT.PRG, to be called
prior to modification of the report.
Save the program, rebuild the executable, and rerun the .EXE file. The
Transport dialog box appears, the report is transported, and the
Report Writer is launched with the transported report. Note that the
transporter program is included in the project and thus built into
your application.
NOTE: Under Visual FoxPro for Windows, open the report files by choosing
Open from the File menu. This automatically calls the converter utility.