The Intel SatisFAXtion 400 Internal Modem does not work with Windows
NT. The SatisFAXtion 400 is software-configurable only and requires
MS-DOS-based drivers to initialize correctly.
Because the modem has no hardware-configurable switches, it requires
that a configuration file and a device driver be loaded when the
system is booted. Under an MS-DOS system, these are loaded in the
In the CONFIG.SYS file, there is usually an entry similar to the
device=c:\fax\satisfax.sys /ioaddr=xxx
In the AUTOEXEC.BAT file, there is usually the following entry:
Because the device driver attempts to communicate with the hardware
directly, it does not work under Windows NT.
The Intel SatisFAXtion 400e external modem does not have this problem.
There are hardware switches on the modem that allow it to be configured,
so the modem should work correctly with Windows NT.
Intel has release a Class 1 Windows NT driver for the SatisFAXtion 400i
modem. This driver works under Windows NT versions 3.1 and 3.5 and is
available from the Intel (GO:INTEL) forum of CompuServe. Filename:
For additional information, contact Intel technical support at (503)
The SatisFAXtion 400 modem is manufactured by Intel, a vendor
independent of Microsoft; we make no warranty, implied or otherwise,
regarding this products' performance or reliability.