The Component Object Model (104140)

The information in this article applies to:

  • Microsoft OLE Libraries for Windows and Win32s 2.0
  • Microsoft OLE Libraries, when used with:
    • the operating system: Microsoft Windows NT 3.5
    • the operating system: Microsoft Windows NT 3.51
    • the operating system: Microsoft Windows NT 4.0
    • the operating system: Microsoft Windows 95
    • the operating system: Microsoft Windows 2000

This article was previously published under Q104140


The Component Object Model is a specification that describes the process of communicating through interfaces, acquiring access to interfaces through the QueryInterface method, determining pointer lifetime through reference counting, and re-using objects through aggregation.



An object is an item in the system that exposes interfaces to manipulate the data or properties of the object. An object is created by directly or indirectly calling the CoCreateInstance() application programming interface (API), which in turn creates a new instance of the object and returns a pointer to a requested interface. For more details, see pages 93 and 94 of the "OLE 2.0 Design Specification."


An interface is a group of related functions. Communication between two objects in a system occurs by calling the functions in an interface through a pointer to that interface. An interface pointer is originally obtained at the time the object is created.

A good example of an interface is a window that supports drag and drop. The window exposes an interface with methods that could be used during drag and drop. The object being dragged could communicate with the window through this interface. Such an interface might resemble the following:
   interface IDropTarget : IUnknown {
       virtual HRESULT DragEnter() = 0; // Mouse entered the window.
       virtual HRESULT DragOver()  = 0; // Called each mouse move.
       virtual HRESULT DragLeave() = 0; // Mouse left the window.
       virtual HRESULT Drop()      = 0; // Item dropped on the window.
For more information on interfaces, refer to pages 57-60 of the "OLE 2.0 Design Specification."


All interfaces used in the component object model are derived from a base interface called IUnknown. The methods contained within IUnknown are related because they deal with object maintenance. The IUnknown interface is defined as:
   interface IUnknown {
       virtual HRESULT QueryInterface( REFIID, VOID FAR *) = 0;
       virtual ULONG   AddRef() = 0;
       virtual ULONG   Release() = 0;
IUnknown::QueryInterface is used for interface negotiation. The other methods are used for reference counting to control the life of the object.

More information on the IUnknown interface can be found on pages 81-83 of the "OLE 2.0 Design Specification."

Interface Negotiation

Given a pointer to a particular interface, an object can be queried for another interface. This is done by calling the QueryInterface() method in an interface. The following code demonstrates querying for the IOleObject interface:
   // Assume that a pointer to an arbitrary interface, pint,
   // exists.

   LPOLEOBJECT pOleObject;
   HRESULT hErr;

   // Query the interface.
   hErr = pint->QueryInterface(IID_IOleObject, (LPVOID FAR *)

   if (hErr == NOERROR)
       // Object supports this IOleObject. The IOleObject
       // methods can now be called through pOleObject.
       // Object does not support IOleObject.

Reference Counting

Interface lifetime is controlled through reference counting. To increment the reference count on an interface, call the AddRef() method. To decrement the reference count on an interface, call the Release() method. Once an interface's reference count goes to zero, the pointer to that interface is no longer valid. If the reference count on all of an object's interfaces is zero, then the object can be freed because there are no longer any pointers to the object.

More information on reference counting can be found on pages 83 and 84 of the "OLE 2.0 Design Specification."


Aggregation is the ability of an object to be re-used or extended dynamically, without having to recompile the original object code. For more information on the process of aggregation, please refer to the "OLE 2.0 Design Specification," pages 61-63.

Modification Type:MajorLast Reviewed:12/3/2003