PC DOS: Err Msg: Notice 91 Duplicate Folder Name (103964)

The information in this article applies to:

  • Microsoft Mail for PC Networks 3.0

This article was previously published under Q103964


When a user tries to create a private or shared folder with version 3.0 of Microsoft Mail for PC Networks, MS-DOS workstation, the following error message may be displayed:
Notice 91 Duplicate folder name


This error occurs when the .IDX file (FOLDROOT.IDX) in the FOLDERS\PUB subdirectory (in the case of a shared folder) or the user's 8-digit .IDX file in the FOLDERS\LOC\<8_digit> subdirectory (in the case of a private folder) is corrupted.


To resolve this problem, restore the file from a backup copy. However, if a backup copy is not available, you can run the FIXIDX utility to build the .IDX file from the folder files. FIXIDX has a few side effects, which are outlined in the FIXIDX.TXT file included with it.

The FIXIDX.EXE utility is available as part of the Database Maintenance Utilities document. To obtain the document containing the Database Maintenance Utilities, please see the following article in the Microsoft Knowledge Base:

99419 PC DB: Database Maintenance Utilities (Complete)

Modification Type:MajorLast Reviewed:6/30/2004