IEEE Standard 802 for Local Area Networks
Recognizing a need for standards in the LAN market, the Institute
of Electrical and Electronics Engineering (IEEE) undertook Project
802. Named for the year and month ('80 Feb) of its inception,
Project 802 defined a family of low-level protocol standards at
physical and data link layers of the OSI model.
In IEEE 802 terms, the OSI data link layer is divided into two
sublayers: logical link control (LLC) and media access control
The data link layer functions allocated to the LLC sublayer are:
- Link establishment and termination
- Frame traffic control
- Frame sequencing
- Frame acknowledgment
The data link layer functions allocated to the MAC sublayer are:
- Frame delimiting
- Frame error checking
- Media access management
The low-level protocol standards defined by IEEE project 802
include 802.3 CSMA/CD, 802.4 token bus, and 802.5 token ring.
These standards differ at the physical layer and media access
control sublayer, but are compatible at the logical link
control sublayer.
The 802 standards have been adopted by:
- ANSI as American national standards
- NBS as government standards
- ISO as international standards (known as ISO 8802)
- 802.1--overview of project 802, including higher
layers and internetworking
- 802.2-logical link control (LLC)
- 802.3-carrier sense multiple access with collision detect
(CSMA/CD), very similar to Ethernet
- 802.4-token bus
- 802.5-token Ring
- 802.6-metropolitan area network
- 802.7-broadband technology advisory group
- 802.8-optical fiber technology advisory group
- 802.9-voice/data integration on LANs
- 802.10-standard for interoperable LAN security
Closely related to the IEEE 802 standards is a more recently
developed low-level protocol standard known as fiber distributed
data interface(FDDI) developed by the American National
Standards Institute (ANSI) and based on the use of fiber optic
FDDI differs from the IEEE 802 standards at the physical layer and
MAC sublayer, but is compatible with the IEEE standards at the LLC