The Creative Labs Sound Blaster 16 and Sound Blaster ASP 16 sound cards do
not function properly with Windows NT using the Creative Labs Sound
1.X driver provided with Windows NT.
The hardware design for these cards is different from, and not compatible
with, the earlier Sound Blaster cards. The Sound Blaster 16 and Sound
Blaster ASP 16 cards ship with drivers for Windows 3.1, but they do not
ship with drivers for Windows NT.
Creative Labs has released Windows NT drivers for the Sound Blaster 16
Sound Blaster Pro 2). These drivers are available on CompuServe:
GO BLASTER - Library 3 [Updates & Fixes] - SB_NT.EXE
For additional information, call Creative Labs technical support at (405)
The products included here are manufactured by Creative Labs, a vendor
independent of Microsoft; we make no warranty, implied or otherwise,
regarding these products' performance or reliability.