Method I: (WM_COMMAND)
This method is based on the following behavior of dialog boxes (Dialog
Manager) and focus handling in Windows.
If a dialog box or one of its controls currently has the input focus,
then pressing the ENTER key causes Windows to send a WM_COMMAND
message with the idItem (wParam) parameter set to the ID of the
default command button. If the dialog box does not have a default
command button, then the idItem parameter is set to IDOK by default.
When an application receives the WM_COMMAND message with idItem set to
the ID of the default command button, the focus remains with the
control that had the focus before the ENTER key was pressed. Calling
GetFocus() at this point returns the handle of the control that had
the focus before the ENTER key was pressed. The application can check
this control handle and determine whether it belongs to any of the
edit controls in the dialog box. If it does, then the user was
entering data into one of the edit controls and after doing so,
pressed ENTER. At this point, the application can send the
WM_NEXTDLGCTL message to the dialog box to move the focus to the next
However, if the focus was with one of the command buttons (CANCEL or
OK), then GetFocus() returns a button control handle, at which point
one can dismiss the dialog box. The pseudo code for this logic
resembles the following in the application's dialog box procedure:
// User has hit the ENTER key.
hwndTest = GetFocus() ;
retVal = TesthWnd(hWndTest) ;
//Where retVal is a boolean variable that indicates whether
//the hwndTest is the handle of one of the edit controls.
if(hwndTest) {
//Focus is with an edit control, so do not close the dialog.
//Move focus to the next control in the dialog.
PostMessage(hDlg, WM_NEXTDLGCTL, 0, 0L) ;
return TRUE ;
else {
//Focus is with the default button, so close the dialog.
EndDialog(hDlg, TRUE) ;
return FALSE ;
break ;
Method II
This method involves subclassing/superclassing the edit control in the
dialog box. Once the edit controls are subclassed or superclassed, all
keyboard input is sent the subclass/superclass procedure of the edit
control that currently has input focus, regardless of whether or not
the dialog box has a default command button. The application can trap
the key down (or char) messages, look for the ENTER key, and do the
processing accordingly. The following is a sample subclass procedure
that looks for the ENTER key:
//| Title:
//| SubClassProc
//| Parameters:
//| hWnd - Handle to the message's destination window
//| wMessage - Message number of the current message
//| wParam - Additional info associated with the message
//| lParam - Additional info associated with the message
//| Purpose:
//| This is the window procedure used to subclass the edit control.
long FAR PASCAL SubProc(HWND hWnd, WORD wMessage,WORD wParam,LONG
switch (wMessage)
CallWindowProc(lpOldProc, hWnd, wMessage,
wParam, lParam));
case WM_CHAR:
//Process this message to avoid message beeps.
if ((wParam == VK_RETURN) || (wParam == VK_TAB))
return 0;
return (CallWindowProc(lpOldProc, hWnd,
wMessage, wParam, lParam));
if ((wParam == VK_RETURN) || (wParam == VK_TAB)) {
PostMessage (ghDlg, WM_NEXTDLGCTL, 0, 0L);
return FALSE;
return (CallWindowProc(lpOldProc, hWnd, wMessage,
wParam, lParam));
break ;
} /* end switch */
Method 3
This method involves using App Studio and ClassWizard and creating a new
dialog box member function.
This method will allow a user to press the ENTER key and have the focus
advance to the next edit control. If the focus is currently on the last
edit control in the dialog box, the focus will advance to the first edit
First, use App Studio to change the ID of the OK button of the dialog box.
The default behavior of App Studio is to give the OK button the ID IDOK.
The OK button's ID should be changed to another value, such as IDC_OK.
Also, change the properties of the OK button so that it is not a default
Next, use ClassWizard to create a new dialog box member funciton. Name the
new member function something like OnClickedOK. This function should be
tied to the BN_CLICKED message from the IDC_OK control.
Once this is done, write the body of the OnClickedOK function. You should
put the code that you would normally put in the OnOK function into the new
OnClickedOK function, including a class's OnOK function.
Add the following prototype to the header file for the dialog box:
virtual void OnOK();
Add an OnOK function to the dialog box and code is as demonstrated below:
void CMyDialog::OnOK()
CWnd* pwndCtrl = GetFocus();
CWnd* pwndCtrlNext = pwndCtrl;
int ctrl_ID = pwndCtrl->GetDlgCtrlID();
switch (ctrl_ID) {
case IDC_EDIT1:
pwndCtrlNext = GetDlgItem(IDC_EDIT2);
case IDC_EDIT2:
pwndCtrlNext = GetDlgItem(IDC_EDIT3);
case IDC_EDIT3:
pwndCtrlNext = GetDlgItem(IDC_EDIT4);
case IDC_EDIT4:
pwndCtrlNext = GetDlgItem(IDC_EDIT1);
case IDOK: