With versions 2.1, 3.0, and 3.2 of Microsoft Mail for PC Networks, .MAI and
.ATT files occasionally may be stranded in the Mail database.
The following procedure outlines how to safely remove these files from the
Before you proceed with this process, you should tell all of your users to
remove or move to folders all mail in their inbox older than X days (X is a
variable that can be any number, and depends on corporate and
administrative policies). It is also strongly recommended that you back up
your entire Mail database before proceeding with this process.
- From the Mail Administrator program, select Local-Admin, Storage,
Delete, All Users. Set the following criteria:
- Mailbag delete criteria: ALL USERS
- Mail age (days): X
- Mail read criteria: BOTH READ AND UNREAD
- Mail priority criteria: R
- You can now safely delete all files with the .ATT extension in the
ATT subdirectory that are older than X days.
- You can now safely delete all files with the .MAI extension in the
MAI subdirectory that are older than X days.