The hosts files for Windows NT TCP/IP are not case sensitive when you enter
the name of a workstation for a TCP/IP address for Windows NT 3.5 and
The hosts files for Windows NT TCP/IP are case sensitive when you enter
the name of a workstation for a TCP/IP address. This can cause errors
when attempting to use FTP or ping a workstation/server. Always match
host filenames exactly, including any case changes.
If the hosts file contains the entry TestServer
type in the following command:
ping testserver
The following error message appears:
testserver: unknown host
The command should read:
ping TestServer
With the case sensitive command, the following correct response occurs
(if the address is valid):
Pinging host TestServer :
ICMP Echo Reply:TTL 60
ICMP Echo Reply:TTL 60
ICMP Echo Reply:TTL 60
ICMP Echo Reply:TTL 60
Host Almathea replied to all 4 of the 4 pings