When you print a task view, such as the Gantt Chart or Task Sheet, it may appear that Microsoft Project is unnecessarily printing blank tasks following the last task shown in the view. This situation may occur when a task that was created inadvertently is still located in the task list.
One way you may inadvertently create a new task is by using a predecessor ID for a task that does not yet exist. When you enter predecessor information for a task, and if a task ID is entered for a task that does not yet exist, the task is automatically created.
In a project with only 20 tasks, you enter "500" in the predecessor ID
field for one of the tasks. Since task 500 does not yet exist, it is created. When you print a task view filtered for "All Tasks", tasks 1-500 (including all blank lines) will be printed.
To check for the existence of these additional tasks in a task view, do the following:
- In Microsoft Project for Windows, press CTRL+END.
- In Microsoft Project for the Apple Macintosh, press
This moves the current selection to the last task in the view. If this
task should not exist, delete it (
Delete from the
Edit menu).