The REPAIR.INF file is one of several files on the Emergency Repair
Disk and is used to check the validity of Windows NT system files. It
has the following sections:
The Repair section has three entries:
Repair.BootFiles This entry contains the Advanced RISC Computer
(ARC) path to the files needed to boot Windows
Repair.WinntFiles This entry contains the ARC path to Windows NT
Sysroot This entry points to the root of the Windows NT
This section contains an entry for each of the files needed to boot
Windows NT. The following format is used:
\<source dir>\<filename>,\<filename>,"<source media>",<checksum>
For example, if you installed Windows NT from a network share, a
similar entry to the following would be present:
\$WIN_NT$.~LS\NTLDR,\NTLDR,"Windows NT Setup CD-ROM",a44931ee
This section contains an entry for each file installed by Windows NT
Setup. The format is the same as the entries in the Repair.BootFiles
section except the destination directory is also recorded:
\<source dir>\<filename>,<destination dir>\<filename>,
"<source media>",<checksum>
Note: There is a backup copy of the REPAIR.INF file located in the
root directory of the Windows NT installation called SETUP.LOG. If
REPAIR.INF has become damaged on the Emergency Repair Disk, you can
replace it with SETUP.LOG.