The sample logoff program showing NetwkstaSetUid2 API call implementation
in the LAN Manager "Programmers Reference Manual" can cause problems. The
NetwkstaSetUid2 API call logs users on and off from the network and runs
the logon script. Here is how the LAN Manager "Programmer's Reference
Manual" explains implementation of the call on page 686:
Text from the Programmer's Reference
// Make an initial call to determine the required return buffer size.
uRetCode = NetWkstaSetUID2(NULL, // Reserved; must be NULL
NULL, // Domain to log on to
NULL, // User to logon or null=logoff
NULL, // User password if logon
"", // Reserved; must be null string
0, // Logoff force
1, // Level; must be 1
NULL, // Logon data returned
0, // Size of data area, in bytes
&cbTotalAvail); // Count of total bytes available
cbBuflen = cbTotalAvail;
pbBuffer = SafeMalloc(cbBuflen);
uRetCode = NetWkstaSetUID2(NULL, // Reserved; must be NULL
pszDomainName, // Domain to log on to
pszUserName, // User to logon or null=logoff
pszPassword, // User password if logon
"", // Reserved; must be null string
usLogoffForce, // Logoff force
1, // Level; must be 1
pbBuffer, // Logon data returned
cbBuflen, // Size of buffer, in bytes
&cbTotalAvail); // Count of total bytes available
printf("NetWkstaSetUID2 returned %u\n", uRetCode);
The initial call made to find the number of bytes required to SafeMalloc
for the pbBuffer is valid in most API calls and works fine, but when you
use the NetWkstaSetUID2 API call to logoff a user, the above implementation
returns error 2123 (buffer too small). This is valid, as the example gives
a "NULL" for the username/password and data return fields.
To work around this, set cbBuflen to a size that works in most cases.
During the test on which this article is based, cbTotalAvail was normally
about 8 bytes, so cbBuflen = 64 worked consistently. Fixing cbBuflen helps
work around the problem because it uses the API call only once.