UTTool v1.0.1 (C) 2001 by Thomas J. Gurath (tgurath@hotmail.com) As you can probably guess by the version number, this is the initial release of UTTool. UTTool was inspired by the 8 to 10 player UnrealTournament game we play on the LAN at work during lunch every day. Since I ran the server, I was the one who had to add everything to the server's UnrealTournament.ini, select maps to be played and hear complaints about "we just played that map a few days ago". We kept up very well with all of the new maps as they came out and have quite a few. I feel that UT has a few shortcomings as far as map management. The lack of a way to randomize the map list, the fact that it remembers the last map you started on rather than the last one played and that it only supports up to 32 maps in a map list are my biggest complaints. So, I wrote UTTool. This program has satisfied our needs at work, so I figured I'd share it with the UT community. This is really more of a server-based tool, if you never run a server yourself and always play as a client, the only purpose UTTool serves for you is to take care of your ServerPackages entries for custom models, skins, voices and mutators when playing alone. You can e-mail me with any comments, questions, bug reports, complaints, ideas for additions and so on at tgurath@hotmail.com. (yeah, yeah... the reason for the hotmail account is that we're supposed to finally get cable modems in my area in the next month or two, so my main (non-work) e-mail address will be changing. Sorry for the large install... Visual Basic is the only language I know so far. Just be happy I didn't use any custom controls.