Suggested Level Template for Unreal (First Draft - June 15, 1998) ------------------------------------------------------------------ Files: Level_Template.txt Level_Template_Example.txt Readme_Level_Template.txt Way back in the Doom days, someone came up with a standard "readme" template that map makers were encouraged to include with their maps. These templates were wonderful for the end user and helped keep map archives organized with a minimum of duplication or miscategorization. It also made it simple for the map designer to create a readme file -- just fill in the fields. For the most part, these same templates carried over to the Quake world. It was always easy to distinguish between Quake, Hexen2 and Quake2 maps and between SinglePlayer and Deathmatch when that information was included in the txt file -- and if there are preset fields for these items, as in a template, it becomes *easy* for the author to remember to *include* this information. We are likely to see a vast flood of maps created for Unreal. It would be a fine thing to have a standard *.txt template and some file nomenclature standards (such as exist in the Doom/Quake world). I have uploaded a suggested template (LevelTemplate.txt and LevelTemplateExample.txt) that I constructed by piecing together some Quake2 map text files while taking into account the special needs of Unreal. This is a first draft. Since I am just a player and not a map author, I have surely made some errors and/or ommissions. Additions and changes to this template are, therefore, welcomed from map authors. There is one other suggestion I have for map authors: Please give these txt files the SAME BASE NAME AS THE MAP. This makes it easy to sort out what readme belongs with what map when all the maps and txt files are in the same directory. Files called "readme.txt" tend to get overwritten by someone else's "readme.txt". It also makes sense to use the same base name for the zip file. For example: foobar.unr -- the map file foobar.txt -- the readme file Just zip them together as: If everyone does this, file name conflicts (map, text and zip) can be avoided making distributing, reviewing, cataloging and playing Unreal maps *so* much more enjoyable. I do not know who the original authors of the Doom, Doom II and Quake templates are. If anyone knows who they are, please let me know and I will include proper credits in this readme file. These files can be found at I extend my thanks to Mr. Joost Schuur (, maintainer of this ftp site, for permission to upload these files. Barry Weck -- June 15, 1998 Please feel free to send comments to: Barry Weck (