Astro Trooper Rift 3d Description: Astro Trooper is a player model that was intended for Unreal Tournament. Since Unreal Tournament has not yet been released, I thought I would provide the model in Unreal format for anyone who wishes to use it. The model has four 256x256 images that make up the entire skin for the model, which is 4 times the resolution of a normal Unreal skin (256x256). This is how each model is skinned in Unreal Tournament. The only thing you can't do with the Unreal version is change individual parts of the skin (like the head, pants etc). Installation: Just extract the zip file into your Unreal directory and the relative files will be placed in thier directories. If you did this correctly then the next time you start Unreal you should be able to select the Astro Trooper player model. The uninstall.bat is a down and dirty batch file that will uninstall all the Astro Trooper player model related files if you no longer wish to use them. It will also delete the uninstall.bat itself. MultiSkins: You can change the head skin if you wish but there is a catch (see below). There are 3 different races to chose from... European, Negro and Asian. 1. Place this line in your Unreal.ini file... EditPackages=Astro 2. Now open UnrealEd and go to the default properties of Astro under Pawn>PlayerPawn>UnrealIPlayer>Human>Male 3. Open Display>MultiSkins on the default properties of Astro. 4. Now go to the "Browse" menu at the top right of the screen and select Textures. 5. Load AstroSkins.utx 6. Select a face you wish to use and select slot 4 on the MultiSkins menu. 7. Click "use" in the MutiSkins menu. Now save the package. You will attain the face you selected although there is a bug. When you die your face changes back to Euro. I have tried different solutions to fix the problem but I guess we'll just have to wait for UT. Likewise you can take the above steps and use them on the AstroBot default properties to change your bots skins. Creation: Modelling time - 4 hours Animation time - approx 20 hours Texturing time - too long Keep an eye on the web page for more soon, including a level with 4 new player models and original music by Astro. Email: Astro