Paroxysm v0.4b2- Deathmatch/Botmatch Conversion for Quake1

Thank you for downloading this Beta release. If you have upgraded from a previous version, be sure to read the Deathmatch Options section. Due to a re-write of the DM modes, the old console commands are no longer supported

Before sending a bug report, check the list of known bugs at the Paroxysm Website.

Please do not send any bug reports that are related to the KasCam (observer mode).
See the kc18doc.txt file for more info on the KasCam.

Send any new bug reports to:

This file contains the following sections:

1. Installation
2. About the POXbots
3. New Console Commands
3.1 Configuring Deathmatch Options
4. Weapons, Features and Rules
5. Armour
6. General Info/Troubleshooting
7. Credits
8. Version History

1. Installation

Full install of Paroxysm v0.4b2 (no update patch available) - put the 'pox' folder in the same directory as your Quake application, replacing any older versions of Paroxysm.

Linux users should replace the 'autoexec.cfg' file in the 'pox' directory with the 'autoexec.cfg' file supplied in the 'linux' directory.

Before you play Paroxysm, you may want to modify the 'autoexec.cfg' file. Using a text editor, change the default key bindings for the new console commands. Make sure the 'secondtrigger' command is bound to a key that you'll have good, fast access to. You won't get far in a Botmatch without the second trigger!

To play Paroxysm, start Quake with '-game pox' in the command line (hold option key while launching Quake on MacOS) OR drag the 'pox' folder over the Quake application OR use your favourite Quake Front End program. You must setup and start a Multiplayer game for Paroxysm to work properly. (Even if you're just playing against the POXbots).


2. About the POXbots

The skill level setting determines the overall skill of the bot, however, the default (skill 1) will spawn randomly skilled bots. This will give a more authentic multiplayer feel. If you want to play one on one with a bot, it's best to use skill 2 or skill 3 bots (or skill 0 if you like to win a lot).


3. New Console Commands

These can be typed directly in the console or bound to a key.
(The default key bindings can be changed in the 'autoexec.cfg' file.)

- activates the current weapon's second trigger
- default key binding is 'COMMAND'

- creates a hostile bot (creates a bot for the all bot team in teamplay)
- default key binding is 'b'

- creates a friendly team member bot
- default key binding is 't'

- displays the current state of all Deathmatch Options (on or off)
- there is no default key binding

- Puts you into observer mode via the KasCam
- The only way to exit observer mode is to start a new level or game
- default key binding is 'k'

- Only works in observer mode
- Switches to the next available player
- default binding is ']'

See the KasCam readme for a full list of camera impulse commands. Due to a bug in the camera code, you may have to hit '+lookup' and '+lookdown' keys to steady the camera if accessing it directly through the impulses. Using the 'autocam' console command will do this automatically.


3.1 Configuring Deathmatch Options

There is currently no user friendly way of setting Deathmatch options, I will be incorporating some sort of menu system or start map in future versions.

To set Deathmatch options, you must set the deathmatch cvar in the Quake console to the appropriate value. To combine DM options, simply add their values - example - To play Last Man Standing, set deathmatch 8 in the console. To play Last Man Standing with Free For All rules, set deathmatch 24 in the console (8 + 16). Any number of DM options can be combined in this way. (NOTE - Normal deathmatch is 1)

Use the rules console command to view the currently active DM options.
NOTE: changes made to DM options will not display or take affect until the next map is loaded.

The following are the current POX DM options, fraglimit and timelimit still apply, but may be implemented differently in certain modes.

(2) Predator Mode
- All players are invisible (eyes only)

(4) Dark Mode
- Lighting in levels is dimmed, and players are illuminated

(8) Last Man Standing Rules
- Players start with a set amount of frags and loose a frag when killed. When a player's frag count reaches zero, they are put into observer mode. When only one player remains, the game ends
- the cvar fraglimit sets the initial number of frags that players start with (default is 5)

(16) Free For All Rules
Players spawn with full health (max_health is 200 - no rot), full armour, all weapons, and 5sec invulnerability.
- Shield generators, Quad, Cloak and MegaSheilds, are the only powerups on levels, but backpacks contain health (along with any ammo dropped)

(32) Gib Mode
Players always gib when killed, and never drop backpacks.

(128) Weapon Autoswitch Option
- Similar to the original Quake weapon pickup rules
- Automatically switches your weapon when you run out of ammo and selects your best weapon when picking up weapons and ammo
- NOTE: Dual ammo weapons (currently only the ComboGun) will autoswitch when their primary ammo is depleted

(256) Bots Toggle
Bots are allowed in DM games by default, use this option to turn them off


4. Weapons, Features and Rules

The following are general rule changes:

There is no weapon auto switching when you run out of ammo. You will here some sort of click or buzz indicating you need more ammo. (Although you can run out of ammo, you still can't cycle to a weapon if you have no ammo for it.) NOTE: This rule can be overridden by using the Weapon Autoswitch Option.

If you touch a weapon, it becomes your active weapon (no auto best weapon). Picking up a backpack that contains a weapon will NOT change your current weapon. NOTE: This rule can be overriden by using the Weapon Autoswitch Option.

You can not pick up a weapon if it's already in your inventory.

Some Weapons have a secondary trigger or 'action' key.
You must bind a key to the second trigger to use it. To do this, open the 'autoexec.cfg' file in the pox directory. Then follow the instructions. You can also type bind KEY secondtrigger in the console when running Quake. (Replace KEY with the actual key you want to use, the default is COMMAND)

Here is a list of weapons currently available:

Requires no ammo, but has to recharge after firing. (consecutive shots get slower and slower if you don't give it a break)

Rotating triple barrel shotgun. Shoots one shell at a time, second trigger primes all barrels for a powerful close-range gibb'n triple blast.

Dual ammo weapon, Double barrel shot gun and short range impact grenade launcher

Fires short, fast bursts of plasma. Has an overload trigger that ejects a substantial burst of energy with high radial damage. Must recharge (approx. 2 sec.) after overload.

A modified version of the original Quake SuperNailgun, with a new look and sound.

'Bouncy' grenades fired with primary trigger. Second trigger plants phase mines. Phase mines fuse with inanimate objects and arm themselves on contact. They are triggered by touch (bots or players), damage (from any weapon) or movement (doors or platforms). Mines explode automatically after 15 seconds and can be planted inside powerups or dead bodies.

Semi automatic, shoulder mounted, double barrel rocket launcher. 4 fast consecutive shots (8 projectiles) then needs to be reloaded (hit the second trigger)

*Players spawn with these weapons, the rest must be picked up.


5. Armour

Armour is gained by standing in a Regen Station, these are grates that continuously stream armour coloured particles.

Armour colour only indicates how much armour you have - it is always very affective.
Here's the breakdown:

1 - 50 points - Blue

51 - 150 points - Yellow

151 - 250 points - Red


6. General Info/Troubleshooting

Although Paroxysm is compatible with all existing DeathMatch maps, some maps may not be ideal for use with this mod. Due to weapon changes, many (mostly older) maps will not have enough ammo for a solid game, other maps will cause the POXbots to get hung up in teleporters or on broken ground. Unfortunately, none of the original Quake Deathmatch maps are ideal Paroxysm Botmatch maps. For this reason, I have a growing list of links to recommended maps in the download section of the Paroxysm website. If you know of a map that works well with Paroxysm, please let me know.

If you are running GL Quake and some models look messed up, you'll have to delete the files in the 'glquake' folder in the 'id1' folder (and possibly in the 'pox/glquake' folder as well). Quake will remesh the models the next time it runs.

Some people experience crashes when loading a map in WinQuake, running Paroxysm with q95.bat seems to fix this problem.

Paroxysm only works in multiplayer mode.

Paroxysm is Quake 1 only.


7. Credits

This mod contains work gathered from many sources. Other than the items listed below, all new QuakeC code, powerup and weapon models, sounds and skins, were created by me (Frank Condello)

Of course, Id Software for Quake and QuakeC.

The POXbot is based on the Tutor Bot by Darryl "Coffee" Atchison.

Predator Mode invented by Darryl "Coffee" Atchison

Waterlevel detection and bot naming routine taken from the Doombot skeleton by Roscoe A. Sincero.

Ranking code also from the Doombot skeleton by Alan Kivlin.

Rotating entities, Footstep routine and Earthquake function taken from the Scourge of Armagon - Mission Pack 1 - by Ritual Entertainment

Phase Mine code is based on the Proximity Mine also from the Scourge of Armagon - Mission Pack 1 - by Ritual Entertainment

Grenade sounds, and a few ambient sounds taken from the Quake2 test by Id Software


8. Version History

Paroxysm v0.4b2
DM additions
- added Gib mode
- added Free For All mode
- added Weapon Autoswitch mode
- added a NoBots option
- added (prelimenary) narration in LMS mode
- DM options have been re-written to allow the server to combine any number of DM modes/options

DM mode fixes

- forced a player respawn one frame after death in Last Man Standing mode.
- Players will be put into observer mode if they joined an LMS game late (after 1 minute)
- Changing the Fraglimit in LMS mode nolonger affects the current game

- tripled the PulseGun's damage, and increased projectile speed, it's no longer entirely useless, though it may be replaced in the final version
- tweaked the Anihilator's damage - less direct damage but more radial damge (rocket jumps are possible again) also lowered the firing rate

- Re-introduced powerups, new Quad, Cloak and MegaSheild replace their counterparts. Cloak & Megasheild now respawn after 75sec (originally 5min), MegaSheild now prevents armour loss in addition to Health.
- Increased armour strength, There are no more armour classes, the colour of the armour only indicates how much you have. You'll live A LOT longer when you have armour now

- Bots now use powerups (Quad, Cloak and MegaShield). (They can also pick up and 'use' the BioSuit, but it has no affect on them)
- Bots can now telefrag real players
- Bots will play differently (to some extent) depending on the active DM options
- Improved navigation (more randomized movement, slightly better ledge/liquid detection)
- fixed a couple problems with bot ammo usage (still not perfect)
- *may* have resolved the runaway loop errors

- GLQuake specific commands have been disabled at startup - transparent water is nolonger the default
- Dynamic lighting is automatically enabled in Dark Mode, and automatically disabled in all other modes at world spawn. If you prefer to use dynamic lighting in GLQuake (gl_flashblend 0), you must set it AFTER loading a map

- new QuakeC entity, misc_explobsp - Allows mappers to turn any bsp brush(es) into an exploding container (with variable , accumulative health and radial damage)
- new QuakeC entity, particle_stream - Generates the same particle effect as armour entities, without a trigger or grate model
- added dm option trigger entities for use on a start level
- fixed some problems with the Quiver defs
- NOTE: new QuakeC entities have not been fully tested

Paroxysm v0.21b
- minor bug fixes

Paroxysm v0.2b
- Added DarkMode
- Added Last Man Standing Mode
- Fixed non-respawning items in some DM modes
- Various Bot AI enhancements (including plat detection, more varied skill levels)
- Annihilator damage reduced
- Bots drop BackPacks more frequently now
- Regen Station Streams now appear correctly in all maps
- Added a 'fov distortion' when teleported/spawned
- Bots are now properly affected by push triggers (wind tunnels)
- Fixed some (rare) runaway loop errors caused by the bots
- Fixed some reload and secondary fire player model animations

Paroxysm v0.1b
- First public release

Ok, you read it all....PLAY SOME QUAKE!
