Quake Deathmatch Statistics - written by DrBrain (last changed 1.11.1996) -------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1st, this exe is compiled to run under win95 (but it still runs in console mode) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- What does it do ? ----------------- It parses the console log file of quake (with the "-condebug" switch) and generates a statistic file with all the frag's (who killed who, top frag's, etc...) I think it's really self explanatory. Is that all ??? No features or something else ??? ------------------------------------------------- Oh, yeah,i forgot. I added a little feature invoked with the command "-html" to generate an html table as output and ... ------- I am not responsible for anything bad which happens while using this software. If u have suggestions, improvements, bug eccounters, too much money, etc .. email me: Markus.Fischer@blackbox.at Greetings --------- And now, all my friend involved with quake and/or quakec: Onstage, Moe, Iqzero, Baumaxx, Ak-Seth, ReVeNaNt (<- right spelled ?), Kampfkucken, <<<>>> (ex Warhammer), Hollywood, Husti, Kan, Obstler, Sudden Death, Pain, BFG9000, Guldan, QDude, K@utzy, all GM clan members, Kandyman (for his color table idea), Kampfschwein, AND OF COURSE II DDD SSS OOO FFFFFF TTTTTT WW WW AAA RRRRR EEEEEE II D D S O O FF TT WW WW AA AA RR R EE II D D SS O O FFFF TT WW WWW WW AA AA RRRRR EEEE II D D S O O FF TT W W W W AAAAAAAAA RR RR EE II DDD SSS OOO FF TT W W AA AA RR RR EEEEEE for this great ass kicking game, and all the others i forgot