Greg's qconsole.log parser to produce a DOOM-like frag count. Copyright (c) Greg Alexander, 1996. To be distributed under the GNU public license (Copyleft) included in COPYING in this directory. Okay, this is my qconsole.log parser. Kinda nifty if you wanna further analyze yer games to figure out who fragged who and some other niftinesses. Some shit might not be quite right for less than 4 players. You have been warned. To generate a qconsole.log, run quake -condebug. You'll wanna do this with one of the players connecting, not on a -dedicated server (won't work on a -dedicated server). It only logs frags that happen while this person's connected. It gives a kill/die ratio, which can be handy. When it says stuff like "GAlexand dies" (die in lava/acid/whatever), this will get parsed as a negative frag, not as a death, so it doesn't count in the kill/die ratio. The display is a bit confusing at first, but it makes perfect sense after you figure it out -- just like DOOM's. Just run it, tell it how many players were in there, give the names of the players (currently case-sensitive). If you left one out, it will not count any frags by or to this player and it will spit out some error msgs. If you are a moron and you do crap like changing your name to "himself" to see the cool "GAlexand killed himself" messages, you need serious help with your llamaness and you will fuck up my parser. Give it the name of the log and it'll spit out the info after maybe a second at the most. If you wanna get the totals of like 3 games, just copy the files together (in DOS, to make qf1.log and qf2.log into qf3.log, you would: "COPY QF1.LOG+QF2.LOG QF3.LOG" In Linux: "cat qf1.log>qf3.log; cat qf2.log>>qf3.log"). The thingy outputs everything to stderr except for the final stats, which go to stdout. Meaning that if you run parser>qf1.out then it will still work right and it'll put the table in qf1.out -- really handy-like. parser.c is the source, should be mostly ANSI and should compile on GCC or TC++, any platform. The file parser is the Linux a.out binary. I'd include parser.exe, but I don't feel like turning on a computer with TC++ on it. I compiled parser by typing: gcc -o parser parser.c You are highly encouraged to add stuff to this or compile it on other platforms and distribute it and all that fun jazz. Please keep mention of me somewhere, but I don't mind that much. I just uploaded this 'cuase a moron who frags me a lot told me to. Please lemme know if you do anything really nifty with this: .