======================================================================== CONSOLE APPLICATION : ParseIt ======================================================================== Platforms: Win95/WinNT/Win3.#/DOS (DOS BABY!!) AUTHOR: Jared "CoolBad2" Armstrong EMAIL: Jared@infinet.com DATE: 10-30-98 DESCRIPTION: ParseIT is an application for gaming servers, such as Quake/Quake2/Sin/Unreal/ect. It originaly poped into my head one day that i wanted a stat app to run at my friends lan parties. One that would not require a different DLL, and i also did not want to ahevto run a stat app for each different game and different MOD. So ParseIt started to become alot of scrible on paper. Then it became code (with help from my mother who is a programmer at Lexis-Nexis "the data firm") and began to take shape. The plans for ParseIt are great, and more is to come. ============== INSTALLATION ============== -Unzip ParseIt to any folder you wish (ex: c:\games\ParseIT\ ) -Edit the Config.ini file -RUN RUN RUN RUN!! :P !!!WARNING!!! This program has not been tested yet on an actual server.. so we suges you copy the logs to a dif server first. Also daily stats are not fully working. If run so it points at the log while the server is writing to it. The program possibly will run in a never ending loop. Also email jared@infinet.com with ANY problems or sugested fixes. ============== Config File ============== Contains all the file path`s and Sleep timer and how many days to remove players after. [list] - used for each different list can have multiple lists list: - where to store the main database of player starts daily: - where to the daily statistics log: - where the main log to process is (ex: C:\sin\base\qconsole.log) msg: - the file containign all kill/death messages listtmpl: - the main list html template file dailytmpl: - the html template for teh daily statistics htmlist: - filename and location to output the html for main list htmdaily: - filename and location to output the html for dialy stats expire: - after how many days to delete the players from the list (they msut play again befor this limit iss up to remain on the list) sleep: - N/A to be added [end] - end of each list must be used for each list ============== KILL MSGS ============== Well obviously i only have the kill messages for Sin so far. This is due to the fact that i could not take the time to make them for every game. That it should be compatable with. So here is what you need to know to make a killmessage list. First i sugest you either A ask teh company who amde the game for the kill messages, the mod author if he edited them, or just look in the dll(unless ya wanna search through a log file like i did with Sin EEK). [name2] - adds a death to the persons name -1 for them [name1] - adds a kill to the name +1 example: [name2] drowns in a rain of [name1]'s hot lead what to expect: flag caps for people & blue/red/other team cap status (heh tam caps will be harder to add) ============== html templates ============== This is how you tell the program, what teh html it will output is to look like. - begins the loop of the player stat output - tells it where to end the looping - rank # acording to percentrage & kills - player`s name - player`s kills - player`s deaths - player`s percentage NOTE- Ranges from 100 to -100 ========= Authors Notes If your would like to give me webspace to host a page for ParseIT please email me or if you have comments good/bad or if you have suggestions email me at jared@infinet.com