_ __ __ _____ ___ ___ _ _____ _ _ __ __ | '_ \\ \ / / _ \ __/ __| |/ / \| | | | \/ | | | | |\ \/\/ /| / _| (__| ' <| |) | |_| | |\/| | version 0.0.6 |_| |_| \_/\_/ |_|_\___\___|_|\_\___/ \___/|_| |_| nwreckdum -- PACK file manipulator for the Linux console Includes a cross-compiled DOS version (nwreckdum.exe) as well by Daniel Reed based on wreckdum by Neal Tucker Usage: nwreckdum [argument ...] -c, --create create PACK instead of extracting -d, --dir=DIR use DIR as the input/output directory -h, --help display this help -p, --pak=FILE read FILE for PACK information Just running nwreckdum with no arguments will cause it to use "pak0.pak" for the PACK file and "pak0/" for the PACK directory. The default operation is to extract the PACK file into the PACK directory. This program and all related articles are distributed under the GNU GPL. You are free to distribute this program in any form granted that no charge is made for the distribution of this program, its source code, or any portions of either. If you find this program useful, please contact the author and tell him so =) Likewise, if you find any problems with nwreckdum, please give as detailed a report as possible to the author.