Title : Spread Nail Gun Filename : SPRDGUN2.ZIP Version : 2.0 Date : 9/25/96 Author : Stanley Chan Email : 95chanst@wave.scar.utoronto.ca or 76710.460@compuserve.com Thanks : id software for making Quake, all the other QuakeC authors out there. Especially those Quake Command dudes who did the Aircraft patch. Type of Mod ----------- Quake C : yes Sound : nope MDL : nope Format of QuakeC ---------------- unified diff : duh, wazzat? context diff : dunno, but I don't think so .qc files : yup progs.dat : uh huh Description of the Modification ------------------------------- I thought the basic nailgun was kind of wimpy, so I did a little "Tim Allen" upgrade on it. MORE POWER!! Anyway, it gives you a spread gun that like fires out 5 nails in a "+" pattern. I've also slowed down the fire rate a bit, and made it use up 2 nails for each shot, so it's not too powerful. Ok, to use it, just switch to the nailgun by pressing "4", then press "4" again to switch to the Spread Nail gun. Or you can switch directly to the Spread Nail gun by using "impulse 50". How to Install the Modification ------------------------------- Make a new dir in your quake directory. (ie c:\quake\spread) then move this progs.dat into that directory and copy your *.cfg from c:\quake\id1 into the same directory. Then from the c:\quake dir. type: quake -game spread Technical Stuff --------------- If you want to add more spikes, or like mess around with it, just look in "weapons.qc" under the W_FireSpreadSpikes procedure. To add more spikes, increase "shotcount". The "density" value is how far apart the spikes are spaced, so to make the spikes more spread out, you should make it bigger. Just don't add too many spikes, 'cos it'll like overflow or something. Author Information ------------------ This is my first real QuakeC patch. If you have any suggestions or improvements, I'd love to hear from you. Copyright and Distribution Permissions -------------------------------------- Do whatever the hell you want with it. Have a blast. Just give me credit if you use any of the source code or whatever. Availability ----------------------- ftp.cdrom.com/pub/quake/quakec/misc Compuserve: PC World 3D Games forum (GO: GAME3D)