========Death Match Stats============= ==============v1.0==================== by Stephen D. Taht Purpose, The purpose of this patch is to Provide more information about who killed who in deathmatch games as it is with Descent and Duke3d. Currently this patch is not all that I would like it to be, which is primarily why I posted it. I'm hoping someone out there can pick it up and make it better. Features: Displays players in a standard matrix format whenever a specified key is depressed. i.e. player1 player2 player3 player1 1 10 2 player2 2 1 3 player3 0 4 0 Suicides are displayed on the right descending diaganal. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Known Problems: 1. In order to keep the columns lined up player names are limited to five characters each. 2. The matrix is displayed only when a user chooses to see it and is only displayed briefly in the top left hand corner. To study it the "tilda" key must be depressed to enter the command shell. 3. Due to limitation in the size of the screen and the fonts used I believe the max number of players that can be displayed in the matrix is about 6 ( I do not have a large network so I don't know if that is true or not ). ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Installation: Create a sub-directory in your quake directory called DM_stats and move the progs.dat and config.cfg file there. Edit the config.cfg file and create a new bind statement: i.e. bind r "impulse 15" The character after bind can be anything you want just as long it does not conflict with any of your personal settings. The impulse must be set to 15. start the quake using the command line quake -game dm_stats and away you go. Everyone on the network must have this patch and load it the same way. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- What I'd like to see: ( I am still working with this patch but it is no longer a priority) 1. I'd like to have the stats come up for review after the game is over automatically. 2. I don't know if it is possible but I'd like to replace the existing stats page with dm_stats page entirely. 3. Figure out a way to display more than 6 players and preferably all 16. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Monday 9 September 1996, 13:50 CEST Stephen Taht staht@acy.digex.net