GibExplode patch by eViL DeViL( Version 1.0 This little funny patch makes the player explode when gibbed. The explode ratio is the same as the grenade. **Mod information** Qcc: Yes Mdl: No Sound: No Music: No Weapon(s): No **Play information** Singel player: Noop Coop: No Deathmatch: Yes ........-------------~~~~~~~~~~~How to install~~~~~~~~~~~------------......... create a subdirectory under quake, name it GibEx create a subdirectory under GibEX, name is src copy player.qc to /quake/gibex/src execute qcc.exe from /quake/gibex/src To play: From dos: quake -game gibex Where to get qcc:, look for ........-------------~~~~~~~~~~~Other Releases~~~~~~~~~~~------------......... Nuke: It is what it say´s, a nukelear weapon bomb patch. Gore: A funny little patch that makes the game(DM) a little more bloody. .........------------~~~~~~~~~~Comming Releases~~~~~~~~~~-----------.......... JetPack: Pick upp the JetPack, press Fire and fly, fly away. .....--------~~~~~~~Copyright and Distribution Permissions~~~~~~~-------...... Authors MAY use these modifications as a basis for other publically available work. Please send me any modifications you make! You may distribute this Quake modification in any electronic format as long as this description file remains intact and unmodified and is retained along with all of the files in the archive.