C A V E A T S ============================================================================== I'd like to include more than a few caveats with this release, but I'll keep it short instead. This mod is known to have bugs. However, I encourage you to email me bug reports. If you're going to fix things, please don't mail me the whole fixed source tree -- a diff will suffice. Additionally, the source is known to be somewhat ugly in places. Sometimes, this was unavoidable. QuakeC simply sucks. In other places, it was my own fault. This mod may crash your server process. It's done it to mine on more than one occasion, but all those bugs should be ironed out at this point. If it does happen again, do let me know. Also, the server still prints some debugging output. Deal :-) This documentation is incomplete. With that in mind, welcome to the CTF mod which should be named something better than SuckMods. F E A T U R E S ============================================================================== This is an incomplete list of the features included with this alpha release of the SuckMods. * New Runes. This alpha release contains 8 sets of 4 runes each. The final release will have 20 more runes. * Status Bar. This status bar is not a rip off of threewave's - it predated Zoid's status bar by about 6 weeks. * Rune Dropping. The server administrator can set an option to allow players to drop runes. * Player Stats. An impulse is available to get some statistics on other players in game. * Nick Registration. Names can actually be registered so that impersonators can not use them. * No Ghosts. Unconnected players are purged, freeing up spots for real players. This mainly works. * Group power. This is a server-settable option to increase the power of players who attack or defend in groups. * Uniform scoring. This is a server-settable option to give everyone on the same team the same score. It's a socialist scoring system which tends to encourage teamwork and enrage glory-hungry players. * Player forwarding. If this server is full, it can forward players to another. Settable via a server-side option. F I L E S ============================================================================== This package should have come with the following files: teamplay.txt A description of the new teamplay options introduced by this mod set. Read this before setting up your server or you will be mightily dissapointed. credits.txt An incomplete list of the people to whom this mod set owes its existence. runes.txt A rather too lengthy description of the way runes work in this mod. Unfortunately, you have to read this before you can make things work. COPYING A copy of the GNU public license. All files in this mod are covered by this license. Redistribution of the accompanying source code or any part thereof must be in accordance with this license.