Quake Taunts II v1.04 Author: Hawk197 Email: hawk197@hotmail.com WHAT IT DOES: Adds 44 taunts to quake. (This patch will work in single player but isn't much fun) HOW TO INSTALL: 1. Make a directory in your quake 2 directory called qtaunt2 2. Unzip the archive into the qtaunt2 directory 3. Copy autoexec.cfg and config.cfg from the baseq2 directory to the qtaunt2 directory (if you don't have an autoexec.cfg skip this step) 4. Run setup.bat in the qtaunt2 directory 5. Copy the Quake 2 shortcut and rename it Quake Taunts 2 6. open the properties of the new shortcut and find target: 7. add "+set game qtaunt2" (no quotes) to the end of it **Note** Steps 5-7 used to work in older versions of game but doesn't seem to anymore, if this doesn't work try "set game qtaunt2" from the console. Email me if you know what I'm doing wrong. NEW KEYS: F1-F9: 9 different taunts to your opponents F10: A Random taunt (15 possibilities) F11: A Random victory comment (6 possibilities) F12: A Random defeat comment (6 possibilities) NEW FEATURES: A random taunt (8 possibilities)is automatically generated when you gib your opponent (or yourself) CHANGES FROM VERSION 1.03 1. Updated to work with Quake 2 3.20 2. Player now has "body language" to go along with his verbal taunt. 3. Still can't squash those bugs, the audio subsystem in Quake 2 was designed to play id's sounds and only id's sounds. CHANGES FROM VERSION 1.02 1. Updated to work with Quake 2 3.14 CHANGES FROM VERSION 1.01 1. Updated to work with Quake 2 3.09 KNOWN BUGS: 1. When you GIB yourself sometimes the sounds mix incorrectly. 2. It is possible to start a sound when another is playing terminating the previous sound and causing a rap effect.