----------------------------- JADEKNIGHT'S QUAKE2 ALIASES ----------------------------- These aliases are free to distribute and steal ideas from. It would be cool if you gave me credit for some of these ideas, but not necessary. Send e-mail to rmartel@mci2000.com for any comments. The only keys that I changed from the DEFAULT.CFG file are: SHIFT, INS, HOME, PGUP, DEL, END, PGDN All other keys have been bound to the keypad that id Software has just made available to make use out of SHIFT = When pressed, switches binding for the INS, HOME...PGDN keys to allow you to select your QuickWeapon When let go, switches binding back to SelectWeapon INS = Selects the Best Single-fire Weapon available When SHIFT is pressed, this will bind the KP_INS to a Best Single-fire Weapon attack HOME = Selects the Best Rapid-fire Weapon available When SHIFT is pressed, this will bind the KP_INS to a Best Rapid-fire Weapon attack PGUP = Selects the Best Grenade Weapon available When SHIFT is pressed, this will bind the KP_INS to a Best Grenade Weapon attack DEL = Selects the Rocket Launcher When SHIFT is pressed, this will bind the KP_INS to a Rocket Launcher attack END = Selects the Railgun When SHIFT is pressed, this will bind the KP_INS to a Railgun attack PGDN = Selects the BFG 10000 When SHIFT is pressed, this will bind the KP_INS to a BFG 10000 attack KP_UPARROW = Move Forward KP_DOWNARROW = Move BackWard KP_LEFTARROW = Move Left (Strafe) KP_RIGHTARROW = Move Right (Strafe) KP_5 = Will switch to the last SelectWeapon KP_INS = QuickWeapon attack KP_ENTER = Momentary Zoom KP_DEL = Momentary Wide KP_PLUS = Zooms in from current FOV to next FOV setting KP_MINUS = Zooms out from current FOV to prev FOV setting SelectWeapon = Weapon that you have last selected from the keys (INS, HOME...PGDN) QuickWeapon = Weapon you want available to quickly switch to and fire (KP_INS) bl = Blaster sg = Shotgun ss = Super Shotgun mg = Machinegun cg = Chaingun gl = Grenade Launcher rl = Rocket Launcher hb = HyberBlaster rg = Railgun bg = BFG 10000 hg = (Hand) Grenades bestsw = Best Single-fire Weapon bestrw = Best Rapid-fire Weapon bestgw = Best Grenade Weapon