> TORMENTOR for QUAKE TORMENTR.ZIP contains a lone skin for PLAYER.MDL called TORMENTR.BMP. I have designed TORMENTOR to punish you inside the Deathmatch simulator called REAPER. You can insert this BMP texture to your PLAYER.MDL using the MedDLe editor. My PLAYER.MDL placed in my C:\QUAKE\RPBOT\PROGS\ has 16 TORMENTR.BMP inserted in and It's amazing when you see all 16 TORMENTORs in a map killing, destroying and kicking your ass until you are on the floor wanting more blood. REAPER B81 (REAPRB81.ZIP) or later versions can be found in: ftp.cdrom.com \pub\quake\quakec\bots\reaper\ Find PLAYER.MDL containing 16 replaceable skins (REAPERSKN.ZIP) in: ftp.cdrom.com \pub\quake\quakec\bots\reaper\ Find MedDLe in: stomped.com Please, send me an E-Mail telling me how good is the TORMENTOR skin. Send it to: senglar@globalnet.es TORMENTOR has been created by Joaquim Vidal Juventench. Gracies a JOANMARC, LLAMPAT, NARCIS i PEP per acabar desesperats intentant matar el bitxo en questio. Gracies tambe a EVA FONT i JORDI VASQUES per enviar-me mails a dojo!