Quake Documentation V 3.4 by Olivier Montanuy and many others (Olivier.Montanuy@wanadoo.com) LEGAL WARNING: This file was designed for distribution by CDROM.COM. Only CDROM.COM is allowed to distribute it. All other rights reserved. You are not allowed to distibute that file under any form (except electronic, and at no charge) unless you're part of CDROM.COM. These restrictions are made necessary by the upcoming 4.0 release of the Quake specification, that will be an improvement over this document, but wasn't ready in time for CDROM.COM. If you want to distribute those files, wait for version 4.0. Due to some strange problem, all files had to be put in the same directory, which is not very convenient. Point your browsers to index.htm to start. index0.htm Quake specs index1.htm Quake-C specs index2.htm Queke-C code, in a nice HTML version linked ot the specs.