E4M3_059 by Yonatan Donner ------------------------ Map: E4M3 Skill: 3 (Nightmare) ------------------------ Secrets: 0/3 Kills: 12/105 ------------------------ Time: 0:59 ------------------------ This is much faster than the route I used in "Quake done Quick", thanks go to Anthony, Matthias and Kari for suggesting to somehow do that jump in the start, but at least I can take credit for the method of the jump and the rest :) I got to the exit room several times and always there was an ogre who blocked my way, I have no idea why. But I'm satisfied that it's under 1 minute. Visit my homepage: http://www.geocities.com/Hollywood/4704/ Yonatan Donner 6/12/97 ruthd@post.tau.ac.il