ษอออออออออออออออออออออออออออป บ D! Upgrade to version 1.5 บ ศอออออออออออออออออออออออออออผ OOPS.. I screwed up the 1.4 upgrade patch in a major way, so this should fix it.. I'm sorry to all of you who downloaded 1.4. This patch fixes the problem when converting DOOM pwads to run under DOOM 2 (DOH I included a corrupt conversion script) and also rehooks the D! Terminal. This program will upgrade all registered versions of D! to version 1.5. This new version contains several bug fixes, and improves the support for running DOOM 2 off of CDROM (previous version had much trouble here). The 1.5 Patch also adds support for converting DOOM 2 pwads so that they will run under DOOM 1.666 or above. If you have any problem with the patch, or with version 1.5 it'self then please EMAIL me right away so I can get them fixed. If you own the D!ZONE CD and have a problem with D!, then please contact us at Simply Silly Software. If you have any other problem with the CD, please contact then Wizard Works Group directly. I hope this upgrade fixes all of your problems and that you enjoy D!. I have spent alot of time working on it, and think it's by far the best available. -- Joe Wilcox Author. ษออออออออออออออออออออป บ Applying the Patch บ ศออออออออออออออออออออผ To apply the upgrade patch, simply run the file "UPGRADE.EXE". It will then prompt you for the directory where D! is currently installed. The rest is automatic. ษอออออออออออออออออออออออออออออออออออออออออออออออออออออออออป บ What is UPGRADE does not recognize your version of D! บ ศอออออออออออออออออออออออออออออออออออออออออออออออออออออออออผ If you apply the patch and are told that UPGRADE does not recognize your version of D!, then please contact us at Simply Silly Software for a custom upgrade.