Cheaters will be dealt with harshly! Here our ex-hero
Mikey was caught cheating and banned from boxing.

What is a Tyson recording?

  1. You must kill every monster on the level. This is more strict than the 100% kills requirement of DHT or COMPET-N. Without this rule DOOM2 level 29 would be easier as you could avoid killing the Cyberdemon and still get 100% kills by killing a monster revived by the Arch Vile.

    This rule presents a problem with Lost Souls, as they are not counted as kills and can become trapped in walls, so it is difficult to tell if you have killed all that can be killed. Basically, I just don't want players to begin completely ignoring them (as in the end of DOOM2 level 24). But if you leave a couple alive by mistake the lmp is still OK, nothing is more boring than wandering around looking for the last one (it's unlikely you could beat DL's times this way anyway).

  2. 100% secrets is not required. I see no reason to get the BFG in DOOM2 level 08, since you can't use it anyway. If you want to see where all the secrets are, check out the COMPET-N lmps. Since DL still gets 100% secrets in his latest lmps this suggests his times should be easy to improve on. ;-)
  3. You can only use weapons accessed via "1" and "2". If you fire the shotgun, even if in an empty room, the lmp is invalid. Of course it is OK to pick up the shotgun as you can't really avoid that.

What is considered "cheating"?

[adapted from Steffen Udluft's Pacifist Collection]

Every cheat is strictly forbidden. Players who do use severe cheats without disclosing this fact will lose all their entries.

  1. Do not use -TURBO.
  2. Do not use cheat codes (normally, an lmp recording will exit if you type a cheat code).
  3. Do not use a changed game engine! [The only exception is that you may disable the "q" key which stops recording]
  4. Do not use a changed wad file.
  5. Do not change the LMP after recording! [Exceptions: you may remove pauses, you may add waiting to the endscreen, you may convert a LMP from an older game engine to the newest one]
  6. Do not use programs which give you unfair advantage while playing, i.e.

Final Note: It is not possible to detect all cheats.