Version 1.0 Alpha3 README HotJava(tm) is a prototype of a World-Wide Web browser with the unique feature that it displays "executable content" written in the Java programming language. The primary goal of this alpha release is to provide some examples of executable content. We hope these demos help you to visualize the potential of truly dynamic Web browsing such as "live" information, interactive shopping, and intelligent agents. This is an alpha release. We expect future releases will contain additional core functionality. We also anticipate that some of the programming interfaces may change. See HotJava Applet Compatibility for more information. We invite your feedback to help guide our future development. Send comments and bug reports to As an alpha release, many future capabilities are not yet implemented. For example, while we've implemented the HTML specification, other Web browsers (such as Mosaic and Netscape) accept ill-formed HTML documents which HotJava may not yet understand. Also, some security features, most notably public-key encryption, are not implemented in this release. This is a Solaris/SPARC release. Ports to Windows and the Macintosh are underway and will be included in a subsequent release. If you expect to make serious use of this technology, we urge you to contact us at so we can keep you informed of developments that may impact your work. ========================================================================= This directory and all the directories below it contain the complete HotJava 1.0alpha3 and the Java language 1.0alpha3 binary release for both Windows 95 and Windows NT 3.5. To run this release of HotJava for Win32 you will need: - An x86-based PC running Windows 95 (build 950 or greater) or Windows NT 3.5. We recommend using a Pentium since we haven't yet performance-tuned HotJava. - A supported multimedia sound device. - 256 colors. Support for 1,4,16,24-bit color is forthcoming. To execute HotJava from the same directory where this README file is located, simply type: bin\hotjava You can also add hotjava\bin to your path if you choose, or create a "shortcut" on your desktop if you are running Windows 95. Getting more information: In addition to the documentation included in this release, the latest information about Java and HotJava is available from This includes announcements about new releases, a FAQ, a known bugs list, links to Java applets developed at other sites, and much more. The group at Sun working on HotJava also has a port underway to MacOS 7.5. When it is available it will be announced on the Java home page and to the "java-announce" mailing list. A bug submittal form has been included in this release. To file a bug or request a new feature choose "Submit a Bug Report" from the "Help" menu. Known bugs and frequently requested features pages are maintained at Several mailing lists are maintained by the Java team. See for information on what is offered and how to subscribe. Please send your comments or questions to the appropriate mailing list. If you need to communicate directly and privately with the Java development team, send mail to Please indicate that you are using the 1.0alpha3/Win32 version of the software when you write to us.